8. Vicious delights have vicious ends...

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Williams was pounding drinks for some time within the night which dug up a dark area inside of him. His dangerous self. Hugh swayed from side to side in his formal attire and hiccoughed once before leaving the Blackwater bar... But that is all he remembered.

He woke the next day laying on some sandbags placed on the dock, his head throbbing. He stood squinting his eyes from the beams of the sun. Then, he made his way towards a table in the bar and sat; when Hugh put his head on the table the bartender began to interact with him, saying, "You hear the news last night?" "What?" Hugh mumbled. "Someone killed Nigel West Dickens and his men yesterday.. Very loudly."

And then his memory came back. He left for the flats, went to the room of high stakes poker and apologised for what he would do next. When Nigel asked why... Hugh killed them all.

He was astonished. Without him knowing, he had pulled off one murder he had waited to pull off in years. He had to find Cullen... But the race began today.

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