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September,2015(written in 2016)
"Hi, I'm Tyler."

The taller man reached out his hand to Ethan, as the blue haired man accepted the hand shake. "I'm Ethan." They both looked at each other, studying each others features, not caring that Mark was there. Blue hair, blue eyes, and a welcoming smile. He must be a youtuber, or something. Just like Mark. Tyler nodded to himself and fixed his glasses.

Tall, firm jawline, nice curly hair and very muscular. Ethan smiled more, as both of them looked at Mark. The pink haired man smiled and looked at Ethan, then at Tyler. "So, what to do?" Mark smiled and rested his back on the sofa, rubbing his hands together. Tyler smiled more and fixed his glasses.

"You're the one who invited me and him here, you're the one who's supposed to know!" Tyler chuckled, still thinking that its awkward saying Ethan's name. Ethan looked down and laughed quietly, intertwining his fingers playfully. The blue boy stayed quiet, not being the loud boy he was. He was anxious about finally meeting Tyler and Mark, so he let them do the talking. "So, Ethan, what made you move here in L.A?" Tyler asked.

Ethan blushed a tint of pink. "Ah—um, I don't know, I-I guess I was looking for a fresh start?" He stuttered out. Honestly, he hid the secret that he was actually a huge fan of Markiplier, that was also a reason why he moved here. To become as successful as his idol.

"That sounds cool!" Mark smiled at Ethan. The smaller one smiled back quickly. "Well, I guess we can go out of this cafe and record?" Both of the fresh starters agreed and followed the youtube heartthrob.

{Two days after}
Tyler giggled and whispered the same sentence again. "Let's make some tool sheds." He looked at Ethan, whose face was plastered with a confused look. Ethan looked at OGchan, then at Matt, lastly at Tyler. He removed his headphones and slowly laughed.

"L-let's make ham penises?" The four let out a burst of laughs, along with the mixture  of a wheezing Matt gasping for air. Ethan looked at Tyler, as both of their laughs fade slowly. Tyler met the smaller one's eyes, making Ethan blush and look away.

"Wh-what he said was, let's make some TOOL SHEDS! You were so close!" G laughed, hearing the three let out a chorus of "it's okay!" And "awes".

Ethan, so called "CrankGamePlays" ended the video and then thanked his friends for coming. Tyler was the last one to leave, so Ethan thought there were some time to catch up some words with him. "Hey Tyler!" Ethan smiled and walked to him on the front door. Tyler answered by giving him a small "yes?"

"It was fun hanging out with you. Maybe we could hang out someday again. Cool?" Ethan smiled at the taller man faintly.

"Yeah, that would be cool. See you around, Ethan."

"See you around too, buddy."


So, how was the prologue? It'd be cool if you left you thoughts down the comments. :D


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