Chapter 9

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(The next morning)

Ethan woke up for no reason, dissapointed that he had awoken from his peacefull slumber. He lazily opened his eyes, revealing nothng but grey. He panicked all of a sudden, but didn't move. Am I blind? He blinked quite a few times, but still the same grey. He moved his hand, causing something to pull him closer.

No - it was someone.

He looked up, revealing a familiar face. Why is here... He suddenly blushed realizing how close he and Tyler were, and his friend's arms wrapped around his waist. Ethan moved too much, causng the older man to groan. "...just five more minutes..." And with that said he pulled him clooser in a tighter hug, his head rested on Ethan's neck.

Ethan gulped nervously and shook (SHOOK)  Tyler's arms. "T-T-Tyler, hey, w-wake up." He gently slapped his shoulder twice, as Tyler moved his head away, lazily opening his eyes like Ethan. To the blue boy, their faces were so close, not knowing he was actually staring at Tyler's eyes. He blushed and stuttered.

"Y-your eyes... Th-They're blue..?" Ethan pointed.

The dominant's eyes widened, realizing their situation. He pushed himself away, making the warmth dissapear. "Uhm- yeah, yeah, they are." Tyler brushed his curly hair backwards, looking at the youger friend.

"Why... Why are you here?" Ethan stuttered out, quieter than a whisper.

"Come again?" Tyler responded.

"Wh-why... A-are you here?" Ethan repeated, louder this time.

"Oh, why am I here? Uhm... Yeah why am I here?" Tyler asked himself. Gotta remember... Sleeping on Ethan's bed... Sleeping on Ethan... Sleeping Ethan...

Oh! Sleepy Ethan! Tyler waved his hands around and chuckled. "Well you were sleepy last night and I tried leaving but you stopped me!" Speaking of last night, they slept really early. "Oh wait..." Tyler added, checking his phone. Ah shit. It's two in the morning. "By last night I mean earlier."

Ethan raised his eyebrow and gave him a puzzled look. "Check your watch." Tyler said, as he did what he was told. 2:06 am. Ethan looked around the dimly lit room, not knowing what to do... He could record a video, but that'd wake some people up, and he was too lazy to do it. Ethan sighed, looking at the wall behind Tyler.

"So, what now?" Tyler spoke.

"Well, you can watch a movie..." Ethan suggested. Noticed how he said "you"? Ethan somehow thought that it was all his falt because of how stupid he was to pretend sleeping.

"Do you want to watch together?" Tyler invited without hesitating, suddenly regreting what he said. "- dah, I mean, i-if you don't want to that's fine."

Ethan released a faint chuckle and shook his head, looking at Tyler. "Well, it's two in the morning... What's a better way to kill time?" He received a nod from his taller friend, both silently sneaking out of Ethan's room and turned on the flat screen. The light shined to Ethan's eyes, making him squint. The blue boy grabbed his blanket and two pillows. He grunted silently and sat on the couch, prepping his seat.(which was on the corner, covered with a blanket and two pillows for his back and to snuggle with.) Tyler sat on the other side, turning on the tv and lowered the volume before they could even watch.

"What do you want to watch?" Tyler asked, recdiving a shrug from Ethan. "Grey's Anatomy it is." The older man spoke, and played episode five.


"Why... How did we get here.." Ethan tried speaking, throat dry. They went from Grey's Anatomy to two more uknown shows to Happy Tree Friends. Ethan watched as the blue moose's horns were sawed and intestines coming out. Ethan received his fifth wave of chill up to his spine. "Okie, that's enough." He said quickly and snatched the remote away from Tyler's hand and stopped the video. "Jesus Tyler, why'd you watch this morbid-"

The blue boy held his words back when he heard a slight snore coming from Tyler. His head was slightly tilted, his palm on his face as his elbow sat on the arm rest. 5:09 am. Ethan sighed and stood up, opening Tyler's room and took his blanket, along with a single pillow.

The blue boy tucked his giant friend, slowly lifting his head fealing the curls, making him jump a little bit. Holy cow its smooth and fLUFFY! He quickly inserted the pillow before Tyler could wake up, accidentaly releasing his head, too. Whoopsies.

Ethan had a small smiled to his face as he went on his side of he couch, tucking himself too. He took a quick glance at sleeping Tyler one last time, and closed his eyes.


Sometimes parents can make a big penis move.
My mom forced me to have a session with my tutor
Anyways, stay gay- likeee in a happy gay way...


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