part 5

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When you woke up still in the embrace of Gérard who seemed to still be asleep, you decided to stay and cuddled into him more, relishing in the moment.
That is...until your mom woke Gérard up a few minutes later...thanks mom....
"Let's go girlfriend" He said with a small luagh, still tired.
"Alright boyfriwnd" You laugh.
You guys get up and he wraps an arm around you.
It was mostly for support incase he fell asleep again but you didn't mind.
You guys headed out into the kitchen where everyone already was out and you mom was making coffee.
"Hey kiddo." You dad greeted and you let go of gerard (he almost fell in the process) and hugged your dad.
"You to sleep well lastnight?" He asked.
"Yeah..little sore though." You say tiredly.
He raised and eyebrow and mikey did the same to gerard. Johnny dropped his head, looking like he was about to burst out with luaghter at how your dad and mikey had taken the statement.
You furrowed your eyebrows at your dad in confusion and after a moment it clicked as to how he took it.
"Oh god dad no. No we ended up on the floor!" You said and he nodded his head slightly, giving you a 'yeah..that doesn't really sound better' kind of look.
"Get your head outta the gutters" You grumbled and you heard a squeak of a luagh come from your brother.
You guys talk and eat, your mother had stoped constantly asking so many questions about them though and instead told Gérard and mikey about how obsessed you where (and still are) with them, also hinting z lot  (but never saying the words) that you pretty much new every single Last thing that they did. Also that you probably knew more about them then they knew about each other....
Again, thanks mom...
"I think that she hasn't had a boyfriend this whole time cuase she's been waiting to meet you and see how things went! It wouldn't surprise me, really, she always talked about how she was gonna marry ya." SHe rambled on and you felt tempted to drop your head into your cereal bowl.
Gérard had wrapped his arm around you as he looked at your mother with the same amusement that he had just that night.
"Mom...have mercy..." you say weakly
"Aww common sweetie he doesn't care!" She says happily.
You hated how uncaring your mother was. She didn't give a shit about how embarrassed you might become by her statement.
"You know she went dressed as you one Halloween." She said and this put you over.
You dropped your head into your now only milk bowl.
Well. At least this made your mom shut up at the moment.
Gérard lifted your head with a luagh.
"Let me die in peace won't you!?" You bark at him.
"Oh common stop being dramatic. It's me." He teased.
"I don't wanna go out with you anymore.." you wined slightly.
"You love me." He said and you mom gave you a couple napkins and you cleaned up your face.
"Well, before I retreat back to my room and get ready for the day, is there anything else you would like to embarrass me for the moment mom?" You questioned, standing up.
"Sweetie I'm just teasing." She said, smiling at you.
You gave her a forced smile.
"Boyfriend" You say to gerard as a goodbye before leaving the room without another word
You grabbed some cloths and headed to the shower.
you hopped in, got washed, got out, got dressed, applied your eyeliner and walked into your room to throw your cloths in your bag.
That's when you heard someone luaghing and come into your room.
"I like your mom" it was Gérard.
"Your gonna taunt me for the rest of my life with this new information for the rest of my life aren't you?" You said with a groan.
"Maybe." He said, giving you a playful expression.
"I hate you." You luagh.
You stood up and wrapped your arms around his neck in a hug (he wrapped his ariund your back) and kissed his cheek.
"Hurry up what you guys are doing, we're doing presents!" You heard your mom yell and you guys broke apart and walked out.
Your parents really liked the wine and the glasses from you and your brother, and you gave Gérard his.
He seemed to really like the mug a lot.
he hugged you and kissed your nose.
Gérard had taken a small perfectly square wrapping paper. You where curious as to what it was, it was tiny and almost perfectly flat.
"And this is for you..though...I would rather you open it in your room." He tells you and you eye him suspiciously.
"Okay we'll be back in guess" You tell everyone and he grabs your hand, leading you to your room and sitting you down on your bed before dropping it in the palm of your hand.
"Careful when you open it, you don't wanna rip it." He tells you and you do as he says.
You open it to find a blank piece of white paper.
"Oh turn it around." He says and you do so.
"Frank. Ray. Alex. Brendon. Andy..." you reas the paper out loud.
You look at him with a confused look.
"Those are the names of the band memebrs you are gonna get to meet in January if you want it." When he said this, you felt like you could kiss him.
Instead, you tackled him so you where holding his wrists, you sat on his stomach and proceeded to kiss his entire face excitedly.
You could hear him luagh as you continued to excitedly kiss his face.
"How did you??!!" You asked, breathless.
"I just called and asked" He told you with a grin.
"You. Are. The. Best.!!,"you saidd, continuing to kiss and hug him.
After about fifteen minutes of making him stay on the bed as you hugged and fucked with his hair until it practically had a cow lick, you guys got up and walked back out.
He had tried to get his hair back to normal but it still looked like he had been rolling around on the bed the whole time
"BEST. BOYFRIEND. EVER!!" You exclaim excitedly to your parents as you show them the present he gave you.
"Er...he gave you a piece of paper with names on it.?" Your dad asked on confusion.
"Those are the names of band memebrs I am gonna get to meet becuease of ipgim in January!!!" You say excitedly.
Your dad ruffled you hair before his attention turned to gerard, who was currently still trying to get his hair back to its normal old was still a failed attempt...
"What happened to you?" He questioned with a luagh as Gérard still attempted to fix his cloths, hair and smear the makeup you had transfered onto him with a disgruntled look.
"Let's just say I probably won't be needing to get her a christmas" He says, luaghing slightly

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