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"no,please 2tay wiith me ED i-i can't lo2e you"


"it'2 okay Eriidan the ambulance i2 comiing"

Wwhat's wwrong

So Tired

a small nap can't hurt

'bu-dum bu-dum bu-dum'

"no Eriidan plea2e ju2t a few more miinute2 hang iin there"

'bu-dum bu-du'


"No Eriidan plea2e wake up"


"erii I love you"




"I love you 2o much Erii,My Priince plea2e wake up"


Sollux sat in the back of the police car.His eyes glassy and lifeless;his cheeks stained with tears.It should have been him.the cop in the driver seat glanced at the younger in the mirror."I'm sorry for your loss kid"she whisperd.Sollux clutched his fist his nails diving into the skin.she wasn't sorry she didn't even know him.the cop sighed"look I know you don't want to talk about it I know your very angry but you have to let go"

"no!"Sollux screeched"you don't know anythiing your ju2t giiviing me piity because II look liike I need iit 2o 2hut up"he growled.Sollux turned his head watching the world go by as they drove to his house the house he shared with the love of his life.The house that would always feel unwelcoming without Eridan's warmth.

"we're here"the cop stated parking infront of the house.Sollux got out of the car mumbling a small thanks before slamming the door shut and walking up to the house.He pulled a small key from his poket and unlocked the house.


Sollux walked to the master bedroom floping down on the bed.He smiled more tears slipping from his eyes as Eridan's sent engulfed him lulling him to sleep.


sol wwhy are you crying?

'why doe2 God force hii2 creatiion2 to 2uffer'


"your not real iit2 all iin my head"you don't really believve that do you?

Sollux's eyes snapped open to see Eridan's soft smile.He jumped out of bed standing strait to see Eridan's eyes glowing in the darkness."but y-your d-de"
dead yeah I knoww Eridan placed his hand on Sollux's cheak the other leaning into his prince's touch.

I lovve you so much sol Eridan began to fade away as the sun started to rise."plea2e don't go"Sollux pleaded  Eridan drifted away.

"still playing hide and seek in the dark

the house echoes with Eridan's laughter bouncing off the empty walls.As the days went on Eridan's presents was constant filling Sollux with guilt.He wanted to touch the other,kiss him,beg the other to take him with them.

But Eridan refused each time.

sol promise me you wwon't hurt yourself  "but Eriidan II want two be wiith you" oh sol,you are with me I nevver left and I nevver wwill

To Sollux his Prince was a whisper in the wind calming his fears.To Eridan his Mage was a glimmer of hope in the darkness.And so the two lovers stayed together in blissm.After many years Sollux too passed on to the spirit realm joining his prince.

after all it's till death do us part isn't it?

EriSol oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now