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Eridan startled slightly as he began to wake, the last thing he recalled was a hand over his mouth, a pinch at his throat, a body pressed against him as he was grabbed and…


And…he couldn’t remember…

WWhat happened?

The siren blinked slowly as his eyes tried to adjust to the dark room he found himself in, with barely any light to guide him or tell him what dangers might lurk within.  

He struggled to keep his eyes open, still heavy and leaden from whatever sedative he’d been given. Eridan whimpered softly, hating how Weak he sounded.  His breathing spiked, as he tried to sit up and heard a clinking sound, the slide of a chain across the floor. 

WWhat the fu-?  He tugged at his wrist, eyes widening in horror as he felt the cuff encircling it and grabbed the chain, yanking at it in panic and feeling it immediately go taut.

Holy shit…crap, crap, crap…  Eridan bit back a panicked cry and felt at his other wrist, but found that free.  Unfortunately, one of his ankles appeared to have a cuff on it as well.  

Shit…ok, I can do this…stay calm!  I just need to figure out wwhere these are attached.  

Eridan slid off the edge of what he had now determined was a bed and followed the chain’s length several feet away.  He despaired when he discovered that they appeared to be attached to a strong, sturdy bolt in the floor.


Eridan gazed around the dimly lit room, trying to make out shapes…look for a way to escape…  

               Shh, Eridan, this is for the best, you’ll see.

Those whispered words filtered back to him as he became even more lucid and the fog from the drugs lifted further.  He could see a hint of sunlight peeking thru a door’s edge and started to crawl towards it to peer under it.  Maybe he’d be able to see something that would help him find a way out…

Okay…get it together.  He told himself firmly as he quietly crept forward on hands and knees.  Maybe they just wwant ransom money.  Dad is the CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation, after all.  I just need to be smart and-

Eridan was startled as a shadow appeared at the door and the handle turned.  The young star gasped and scrambled backward, tucking himself under the bed to peer at the man who now stood in the doorway, illuminated by sunlight.

The singer was temporarily blinded and had to put a hand over his eyes at the sudden brightness in comparison to the darkness of the room.  He heard a soft, rather exasperated sigh as the man turned on a lamp and closed the door before approaching.

“Come out Eri.”  The man’s voice was like dark silk, coaxing.

No…this is…  Eridan shook his head vehemently and tried to scoot impossibly further under the bed, straining against the chains.

“I 2aiid to come out Eridan…” The man repeated as he kneeled by the bed, a rumbling dominant tone that demanded submission. The young man’s instincts screamed at him to obey the other and he would be safe. Eridan whimpered as he felt the chains being tugged and the man began trying to drag him out.

That’s when he fucking lost it…

“D-don’t touch me!” He shrieked, thrashing and kicking as a hand closed around his ankle and he was pulled from his hiding place.  “Let me go!”

“2hh…2hh…IIt’2 okay. II’m not goiing to hurt you Erii.” The voice replied calmly as one strong hand closed around the nape of his neck and pinched.

Oh, shit…  Eridan went limp, mind going blank as his body betrayed him in the face of a submition pressure point.

“There you go, baby…see?  Much better.” The man murmured as he hoisted Eridan up into his arms, cradling the young man’s head and continuing to massage the back of his neck as he contemplated the dazed Siren.


Eridan stared up at the other boy, getting a good look at his kidnapper for the first time.  The other male before him had neatly combed raven hair that looked as if it had recently been mussed.His mismatched eyes had dark circles beneath them as if he were some sort of insomniac.

The most disturbing thing for Eridan to witness was the depth of emotion he saw in the others’s gaze as he stared down into Eridan's own amethyst colored irises.  It was a strange mixture of possessiveness, reverence and…lust.The Singer swallowed hard as the man smiled and he realized this wasn’t a ransom situation or a random kidnapping…

“We’re going to be so happy together…you’ll 2ee.”  He whispered as he brushed strands of dark hair from Eridan’s face.

Oh, god…

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