tag you're it

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It starts out innocently enough. A glance, a brush in the corridor, a peek through a classroom window.

He has noticed. Finally. It's quite cute really, the way he's trying to be sneaky with his glances, his searching eyes and piqued curiosity betraying him. Sollux has spent so long watching. It's about time he got something back.

It develops. A note pushed into a locker, a longing stare, a smile across the yard.

It is tentative at first, a few returned smiles and delicate laughs, and it is infuriating. The pace of their interaction is not enough for his hunger, and so the notes begin. You can see the delight on his pretty little face at the attention, and their 'study sessions' seem like the natural follow up.

It becomes more. Stolen breath, hidden kisses, breaks spent hiding in empty classrooms.

As neither have much need for studying, they quickly move along from their sessions into the realm of cliché dates. Stuffy coffee houses and endless rounds of twenty one questions would usually have Sollux bashing his head against the wall, but just this once, just this person, he can endure it.

It grows. Forbidden touches and a glowing warmth in his chest.

It's the little touches, the sighs and the smiles that give it away. Eridan seeks him out on an almost daily basis so they can find somewhere secluded, somewhere Sollux can elicit the dirtiest little noises from the other without having to worry about being heard. The locked doors and empty rooms where he can do whatever he wishes with Eri, and Eridan will not refuse, will not complain, will let Sollux in with open arms and a cheeky grin.

Because now Eridan belongs to Sollux, why should he want to be anywhere else?

He can still feel the warmth, but the touches are becoming rougher, more demanding. They begin to hurt.

Now that Eridan has been broken in, Sollux can afford to handle him with a little less delicacy. He delights in slamming Eridan against all manner of surfaces, lips crushed together to pull out those sweet little sounds Eridan makes, revelling in the pleasure of manipulating the lithe body underneath him.

Eridan belongs to him now, and he will do anything to keep it that way.

And so it has to stop. He says as much. It earns him a warning.

"Sol, you know I lovve you, but... wwell... wwe just need to spend some time apart. I think it'd be best for both of us if wwe took a bit of a break. You're -"


Eridan is stood holding his cheek, wide eyes fixed on Sollux, but he does not notice. Rage is rushing through him, a burning venom snatching through his system.

Sollux owns Eridan. He isn't going anywhere.

It earns him an apology and choking love behind the out buildings.

Sollux lets Eridan choose how he wants to apologise. Looking down on Eridan as he comes, glassy eyed and choking on his knees, Sollux knows Eridan recognises their positions properly now. He strokes Sollux's head in praise before turning to walk away.

It earns him bruised hips and a quick silence. The unanswerable questions and the sudden clumsiness.

He grabs Eridan and throws him up against the wall, fingers digging lines into his hips as Eridan slams his hand into Sollux's shoulders and avoids his hungry mouth in favour of biting his neck. Eridan's new penchant for violent sex is something Sollux is definitely interested in indulging, but not today. He snarls and bites down in return, smirking when Eridan whimpers in defeat and goes pliant in his hands.

It began innocently, but now it is quick glances, a flinch in the corridor, an avoided classroom. It is the warnings written over his skin, the deadly glares, hiding in the crowds.

Eri is trying to be sneaky again, avoiding Sollux and skipping their time together, but of course Sollux has noticed. He has noticed the bruises on Eridan's body sometimes accompanied by small cuts, he has noticed the conversations Eridan is initiating with others, the gentle laugh he will no longer use around Sollux. It does not take an idiot to see that someone is enticing Eridan, hurting him and pulling him away from Sollux. That cannot be allowed.

Eridan belongs to him.

It has become so much more. Stolen innocence, bruising kisses and breaks spent trying to hide away.

Eridan has been absent for a few days now. He has not tried to visit, he is not answering calls or texts, he is leaving Sollux in the dark when he knows he should tell Sollux everything. Has someone hurt Eridan? Has he been taken away from Sollux? There is a steady fury building up inside him as he contemplates the options, but he can do one thing at least. Eridan will need punishing when he gets back, and he will need a plan.

It has grown unbearable. He is forbidden to speak a word about the deep, searing cold he is feeling.


Sollux throws his fist into the mirror, gasping as the shards fall down around him. His Eridan is dead. Gone. Sollux knows someone is responsible, could see Eridan was hurting and he has done nothing. Why wouldn't Eridan tell him? He pulls his fist back and he can see his arm trembling, can see the blood stained knuckles but he has lost all sense of connection. He will never see Eridan again, never know who hurt him, unless...

Streams of red are pouring from his wrists as he stands, discarding the sharp shards of mirror now drenched in blood. His knuckles flash white on the rim of the sink as he grips it with one hand, using the other to feel blindly through the boxes in the cupboard. Any will do, and he begins to choke the tablets down as his blood continues to drip. He has to be sure this job is done properly.


If he cannot have his hope, he will join him.

He was the one to tie the noose and he will fall alone

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