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"I hope there will be a miracle of you,

Loving me more than I love you."

-BTS Danger

Yerin: Wow, so cheesy XD
Sinb: That miracle won't happen ^_^
Eunha: I will never love someone more than myself. (Jungkook yelling at the back: "Are you sure?!")
Yuju: ...I don't understand the sentence
Everyone: *facepalm*
Me: Yall are not supposed to come out! The story haven't even started yet T_T


Pairings in this story:

1. Eunkook (JungkookxEunha)
2. Sowjin (JinxSowon)
3. Sumji (SugaxUmji)
4. Taerin (TaehyungxYerin)
5. Yumin (JiminxYuju)
6. Sinhope (JhopexSinb)
7. ? (NamjoonxAilee)

If you don't like the pairings, please don't read this book. I don't want any hate comments when I had already clearly stated who's with who.

Suga: Well said, author.
Taehyung: How could anyone hate me and my Yerin :'(
Jhope: Hey... the pic up there... Not the p is silent... its supposed to be the j...
Jimin: HI!
Jin: Jimin wh-
Jimin: I want to be on the first page too ;-;
Me: *sigh*


-Might go to jail in the future for burning too many people
-Always escalates real quick from cutie ass to hottie (Namjoon: "100% accurate...")
-Loves to scroll through #eunkook posts on instagram, they love their ship name so much

-Loves to do PDA (Umji: "I second that!")
-Favorite dating place: Supermarket
-Adopts 10 kids with the help of Namjoon but never knows how to control them


-Always do crazy things
-Fights at least 1000000000000 times a day and then made up quickly by imitating the things couples do in dramas, which is crying and hugging each other (Sowon: "We have new dramas everyday...")
-Have I said that they always do crazy things?

-Jimin got over his gayness for Jungkook because he met Yuju
-Loves to make corny jokes and expects people to laugh
-The #plswatchandsupporttaehyunginhwarang team

-You can never be sure of who's the boy (Jhope: *ehem* man) and who's the girl (Sinb: *ehem* lady)
-Hates cheesy and cringey things e.g. Jin and Sowon's nicknames to each other
-Rarely goes on a date

-Never burnt people
-Never did PDA
-Never had swag
-Never did crazy things
-Never made corny jokes
-Never missed a day without dating

Namjoon and Ailee: We're the only normal ones here...


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