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I notice people gathering under a building and looking up after walking out of the store. At first I thought they were just reading signs, but then one of them gasps.

"She's going to jump!" A woman yells.

I look up and find someone standing on the edge of the building. On instinct I run into the building and take the stairs as fast as I can. It's take me five minutes to get up the twenty flights of stairs to the roof.

Once I make it to the roof, I try and catch my breath. Looking for the person, I see a girl in a black skirt, white shirt, and white wedge converse standing on the edge of the building. Her long blonde hair blowing in the wind.

I step closer, "Hey."

She looks back and I can see her sad blue eyes from where I stand, the red and puffiness around them. She's been crying.

"Nice view isn't it." I say as calmly as possible. By this time I hear sirens down below, people are just waiting for her to jump. "My name's Michael, what's yours?

"Lillie." The says softly, her voice unstable.

"Lillie, I understand why you're up here on the edge of building. I really do." I say inching closer to her. I roll up the sleeves of my black long sleeve showing the thin white scars that riddled my wrist. "See?"

Lillie looked at me and I could see for a moment, she was determining whether she wanted to get down and not. She looks down over the edge, her hair blowing with the wind.

When she moves her arm some I see the same white scars that are on my wrist. My heart felt like it stopped.

This girl. This beautiful, strong looking girl had been pushed to the point where she felt it was over. Pushed to the point where she felt like standing twenty stories on a building ready to jump would take it all away.

Well I have been there, I know first hand it doesn't get any better. My friend from school knew something was wrong that day, and he just happened to be coming out of the library when he saw me on this exact building.

"Lillie, please listen to me." I beg, I could tell she wanted to jump now. The thought was running through her head like a wild race horse. "I know you feel like the pain won't ever stop, and that you can only stop it by jumping or cutting your wrists. Well it doesn't fix anything, in fact, it makes the so much worse for the ones who love you."

She looks up and then back down again.

"The pain that you feel, it will move to everyone that was close to you. Your family, your friends.... me." I finally make it next to her and she looks at me, her blue eyes piercing my green ones. "I don't think you want that, do you Lillie?"

"I can help you." I reach my hand out for her to take. She stares at it. "All you need to do, is take my hand."

A tear slips down her face but she takes my hand. I quickly pull her off the edge of the building just as two police men and emergency responders walk onto the roof. Her legs crumple from underneath her, bring us both down onto the roof.

Lillie clings to me crying into my chest while I rub her back. She had just made a decision that could change her, and this is the first step.

When my friend, Calum, had saw me on the roof's edge he did the exact thing I just did. He talked my down, and then as I broke down he made sure I was alright.

"Miss?" A police officer kneels down to us. Lillie lets go of my and looks at him. "We need to ask you a few questions?"

The officer leads Lillie of to the side letting her sit on the bench attached to a pigeon cage. The other officer take me to the side to ask me questions.

"What's you name?" The man asks.

"Michael Clifford." I state me name really wanting to not answer that.

"Clifford as in Dayrl Clifford, CEO of Anderson Realities." The officer tilts his head slightly.

"Yeah." I mutter. My dads name has been smeared with the fact he is being charged with child abuse and neglect, he

"Do you know her?" He asks.

"No." I shake my head look over at Lillie who was looking back. "Not until now."

"What made you come up here and try to talk her down?" The officer kept writing everything I said down on a notepad.

I racked my brain for any excuse to say instead of what I probably should say. But of course I decided against everyone of them. "I once stood in her place, on this exact building. I understood that she needed help, and I could give that help."

I look at Lillie again and notice her staring, the officer had left her alone and was talking to the first responders. She had a look that struck me as pleading.

"Alright Michael, you're free to go." The officer walks away to join the other one.

I join Lillie and smile at her. "You okay?"

She nods. "Thank you... for talking me down. My mom doesn't know I am still...."

She didn't finish, but she didn't have to. I already know what she meant. "My parents didn't know either until they got a call from my school nurse saying I was cutting myself."

"My mom knows I tried twice, but both times she sent me to a place that is supposed to help." Lillie looks into my eyes but looks away.

I notice the officers looking back at us and furrow my eyebrows. "Are they calling your parents?"

"I asked him not to." She looks down to her hands suddenly get depressed again. "My mom will send me back to the rehabilitation center, but this time for good."

I feel my heart break as Lillie's eyes well up with tears. She is genuinely broken up about the rehab center.

"They're not going to call anyone because I am going to agree to take full watch of you."


Hey guys. So this story is going to be depressing in quite a few chapters, if you feel like I will upset you then please don't read this.

Well I don't have much to say other than be safe and goodnight.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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