03: See what I mean?

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After Mr.Ty Ty dropped me off I went right to the kitchen because I was OD hungry, and school lunch don’t be pooping. Sitting my bookbag on the counter I rummaged through the fridge. Then just settled on some leftover spaghetti. Upon me putting my plate into the microwave my mother called me.

“Yellow?” I hopped on the counter, swinging my feet

Hearing her giggles I then smiled too “Can you get you little brother from the bus stop?” She asked

My little brother Joey is beyond bad, but that’s the homie he keeps me laughing. Despite the fact that he’s my little brother we have a great relationship, he never tells on me or anything...and for that I let him live.

“Yeah sure.” I replied once hearing my food ‘beep’

“I’ll bring home food tonight to make it up to you for not picking you up.” She said in her thick spanish accent

“You can make it up to me bye buying me a car.” I mumbled

“Carter I’m not buying you a car until you take your drivers test.” She said calling me by my middle name

I just might do that, cause I’m tired of walking and having Mr.Ty Ty watching me...not that I’m complaining too much on that, but I’m just saying ya girl need her own wheels.

“Alright mother.” I rolled my eyes grabbing my food and a fork

“Alright love you mija.” She said. You could hear the smile present in her voice. She loves to embarrass me.

“Love you too.” I stuffed my face

“Ew Carter stop being un-lady like.” She said before I quickly hung up

I wasn’t ready for all the yelling and picking just yet. I at least need one good episode of Love and Hip-Hop New York. I don’t care what no one say, that show be getting me mad hype. The way Tara be swinging at Peter reminds me of the way my mama be swinging at my pops.

Gotta learn how to duck with your knees. It’s all in the knees. Grabbing the remote I turned to VH1 just to catch the end of a re-run of Basketball Wives.

That was a good show too...but I really didn’t see the purpose of it though.

Just as Love and Hip-Hop started my phone began to ring. Not even bothering to look at my caller id I answered it.

“Yo what it is?” I replied still looking at Tara lean Amina jaw.

Hearing Alex deep chuckles it made me pull the phone from my ear and look at it. “Ew stop laughing in my ear like that.” I giggled myself

“Chill. What you up to Ali?” He asked

Every since I was about to swing on the thot of the school he’s been calling me Ali.

“Chill with that ugly name. And nothing watching Love and Hip-Hop and eating spaghetti.” I said licking my fingers

“You ratchet.” He laughed

“Man watch out this the show. I love Cyn.” I smiled

She was mad beautiful and funny. “She bad.” He agreed

“Right!” I laughed

“You the only girl I know that talk about other girls in front of dudes.” He said

“Well I mean I’m not a normal girl.” I said checking the time before turning the t.v off and taking my empty plate to the sink. I had to go walk to Joey’s bus stop before he get mad at me.

Putting my shoes on I grabbed the house key then made my way outside slamming the door.

“Where you going?” Alex asked

“To pick up my little brother.” I mumbled walking in the person next door’s yard

“Word? Lil big sister.” He joked

“Oh, you not cute.” I rolled my eyes as if he could see me

“I thought I was…” He said sounding hurt

Aw baby got feelings “Did I hurt your feelings?” I asked in a baby voice

“A little.” He said

“Well me sorry boo you cute.” I said crossing the street at the stop sign waiting for his bus to come

“Thanks babe you cute too.” He stroked my ego

“NO correction I’m sexy.” I said seriously

I’m cocky and I know it. Who gone beat me tho? Oh no one that’s who.

“You right.” He laughed making me laugh too

“Thank you I hear that all the time.” I flipped my long hair over my shoulder

“You cocky or nah?” He asked

“I’m mad cocky. But you love it.” I said just as Joey’s bus pulled up and he was of course the first to get off the bus.

“Wassup Joey” I pulled my little brother to me

“Wassup who you talking to?” He asked

“Not you.” I mugged him making Alex laugh

“SHUT UP.” He pushed me

“You asking question too personal...uh RUDE!” I pushed him so that he would be on the sideway

“You probably talking to a boy that’s why. You ain’t gotta lie Ashton unless you GAY.” He yelled pushing me then running off. I swear. You see what I gotta put up with?


Alex is in the sidebar (thing)

Shout out to Jo lol being stuck with homework! ;p

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