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*Christopher Brown

"Shit!" I crused kissing my lips. It was around 1 and my art corse was about to begin, but me moving too fast I knocked my coffee all over my Mac book.

Mumbling a few more curse words under ny breathe I proceeded to clean up my mess.

"Mr. Brown?" a soft voice called out

"Yes?" I stood up pushing the sleeves of my crewneck up my forearms.

"Am I too early?" One of my students smiled shyly.

"Not at all come in." I waved her in, still worried about my mess.

Nodding her head she entered the big class room, neatly placing her books at her art work station. Glancing at her one last time I went back to my mess. She was fairly quite and hardly talk. Focusing on the task at hand:  Which was cleaning up this mess. A few other students entered the class room letting me know class has really began.

"Morning Mr. Brown" A girl smiled at me.

"Morning." I returned the action

I low-key hated when students called me Mr. Brown I'm only 24.

"What are we doing today?" she asked happily

"We'll see in a minute." I stood in front of my desk

"okay!" she cheesed

Giving her one last smile I looked forward facing the class. Girls like that only want one thing; and that's to send a nigga to jail. Nah, none for me thanks.

"For a major grade I want everyone to pick someone that is important to them and paint a portrait of them, along with a two page paper." I announced

All eyes were on me the way I preferred, it made me feel like people were listening.

"Any questions?" I asked

Once no one said anything I gave them time to 'brainstorm' because by education board I had to give then time to think...although their damn near adults with kids.

Looking around the class one more time I made my way to my desk. Pulling out my phone I began to compose a text to my homie Ty to see what the plans were tonight.

Before I could even send the message my fiancée texted me.

    Robyn: Are you doing anything tonight?

Thinking of how to respond to the text I clicked on Ty's reply message first.

I could either go home a listen to Robyn's day at work or I could either go out and enjoy the company of my boys.

     Ty: Man we gone hit up the sport bar, and catch the nets game, you in or nah?

Nets game or hear awful day at work?...Nets game it is.

Letting Robyn know what I would be at the office for a while due to grading papers, I hit Ty back letting him I'll meet him after school.

Looking up and gazing at my working students my eyes fell on those who were working and those who pretended to work.

"Mr. brown I need help." One of my students called out

Standing to my feet I made my way over to the two seater desk.

"What can I help you with!" I asked smiling lightly

"I'm just stuck! I don't know who to draw." She poured as if that would help solve the problem.

"Uh I don't know draw your boyfriend, a best friend or even someone you admire." I suggested sticking my hands in the pockets of my black slacks.

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