Shouldve Stopped Them Sooner -Laston

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Ashton's POV;

"Move fag!" I hear right before I'm pushed to the ground.

I'm not very popular at my school. I'm smart so people automatically assume I'm a nerd. That's not the reason I'm bullied though.

I'm gay. And it's not a secret. Most people accept me. Most people except a few. Some of the few being Luke Hemmings and his two friends Calum and Michael. The worst is Calum and Michael. Luke doesn't really do anything. He doesn't stop it either though. The rest of the kids at school just ignore me because if they talk to me, they'd become losers too.

"Ha. Little gay boys wearing a sweater."

Calum teased

I try to crawl back away from them. Knowing what's coming next.

"Don't try and get away from us." Michael spat.

I immediately stop. I know that making them mad would make my beatings worse.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?" Calum sneered.

"N-no." I stutter through my sobs. I couldn't help it. I was scared. I scooted back a little further until my back met the lockers.

"Awh is little faggy crying?" Michael asked full of false sweetness.

I noticed that Luke was just standing in the back. He was wearing a shirt that was right on him making his muscles visible. He looked good today. I'm not gonna lie. He hasn't insulted me yet today.


Calum and Michael notice me looking at Luke. Before I quickly look away. His eyes meet mine.

"I think gay little ashy has a crushy wrushy on Luke here." Calum teases.

"N-no, I didn't - I d-don't." I couldn't even be embarrassed about my stuttering because I felt something connect with my side. Then another blow. They were kicking me. Hard.

"This'll teach him a lesson for liking one of us because were not fags." Michael spat at me.

"Guys." Luke finally spoke from behind.

"Oh sorry," Calum acknowledged him, "would you like to join."

"No I think he's had enough. Just leave him alone." Luke sighed.

Lukes POV;

I sighed. They're usually nice people when they're not beating up ashton. I don't know why they do it.

I don't know why I stopped them either. I usually just stand and try not to look at little Ashton's hurt face. Yeah I just said little ashton.. I might have a little crush on him. Okay it might not just be a little one.

I've liked him since before he came out. But after he did I couldn't tell him because my friends started hurting him. I'm afraid they'll turn on me too. But looking into Ashton's eyes as the threw insults at him, I knew I had to stop it. He was beautiful he didn't deserve this.

"Come on let's leave little faggy alone now." Michael shot and with one last kick, him and Calum were walking away. I stayed back.

I turned to Ashton who was stilled curled on the ground. I kneeled beside him. He flinched.

I grabbed his hands, ignored how good his hands felt on mine and I helped him up off the ground.

"You alright?" I asked once he was standing. I didn't make eye contact. I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to control myself. He nodded. I gave him a pat on the back and the went to find Mike and Calum.

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