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This is a poem I wrote for a school assignment! It's kinda personal and depressing but tell me what you think

~Trust me~

We grew up carefree
The only tears were if we got hurt
The pain of a scraped knee
We didn't know what opinions were
Or what society had to do with anything
There was no need to be insecure
All we cared about was playing all day
We dreamt of what we'd be when we were older
And everything was okay
Because back then, to us, we could be anything
Now that's just faded memories

We sit in our rooms and pick apart ourselves
As if our features define who we are as a person
We hide our happiness on our shelves
We look in the mirror and only see the things we hate
The things we wanna change
Anything from our hair to our weight
When did we become this way?

Only caring about what other people think
Scared to speak up
Too afraid of rejection
We try so hard to fit in.
And to do that you need to be 'pretty'
As if being different is a sin
Pretty to us is flat stomach, clear skin, thin legs, white teeth
And so much more that all our idols seem to have
Everyone's to shallow to look beneath
And if celebrities are 'pretty'
Then you want to look like them
Personalities don't matter. Who cares if you're witty
If you don't look like the models in magazines
you fix yourself until you do
You skip meals and throw up the stuff you do eat
Trust me, I know what you've been through
You cover your skin with make up
That's not who we are
Or at least
It's not who we should be

You tell yourself not to cry
Because tears are a sign of weakness
When asked if you're okay -You lie
You wait till your alone
You take your pain out on yourself
Careful to not get your cover blown
slice your skin as if it'll cure your thoughts
The thoughts that are too horrible to say out loud
Cover you're wrists so you're not caught
Cutting, burning, bruising yourself on purpose doesn't change anything
We feel so much emotional pain
So much that sometimes it'll sting
And sometimes , it's too much to deal with
Our happiness is now a myth
But that physical pain we inflict on ourselves
Distracts us from the mental pain were feeling
Its not helping our healing
But to us the pain is worth it
Because even if only for two seconds,
We forget about the hate
About the tears
About the names were called
About the horrible thoughts we think

But trust me.
Hurting yourself isn't the answer
I've been there and no one could see
That I was hoping that I could change
Hoping that one day I'd wake up & feel beautiful
Hoping i would no longer be strange
I kept all my thoughts to myself
And when I finally did tell someone what I'd been doing
They told me to stop looking for attention
My sadness and anger still brewing
I want to scream; shout
That If i could be okay with myself I would've been a long time ago

Because trust me
It would've made things a hell of a lot easier

As we grow up the thoughts get worse
Society puts into our brains that no matter what you look like
you're not good enough
You'll never be good enough
And it's a curse
Society puts images in you're head of what beauty looks like
Of what you are supposed to look like
But we are society..

It's us who made ourselves this way
And if you're not happy. Then just change it
Instead of hiding day after day
Because no matter who you are
Or what you look like
You have come to far
To end your life
Over a couple hurtful words
So put down the knife
Take a deep breath
And tell yourself that you are beautiful
And nothing can take away you're pain, not even death
This is just one phase
In your life
And soon you'll look back on these days
And see how far you've come
Because you are strong

And trust me
Not matter what shape, size, height color, gender, you are beautiful
And the only opinion that should matter to you
Is your own

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