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Hey guys! Im sorry i havent been posting recently.. I have like 5 one shots that ive started but i always get writers block half way through them and never have enough energy to actually finish them. I will try my hardest to finish them all though and update soon.

So the last time i actually updated, i told you about going to 5 seconds of summer's concert. Im only going to give a brief description of how it was because its been a while and you guys probably dont want to hear all about it. But overall it was amazing. Probably the best night of my life. I met amazing people just waiting in line. The guys were so adorable too.. Calum would like skip around the stage and it was so cute. I got pretty good pictures and videos from where i was sitting. It was so loud and awesome. They all looked perfect and im so greatful to have gone. I get sad thinking about it because i miss it so much. I tried to link one of the pictures i took but idk if youll see it because im kinda stupid. If this picture does work though and you would like me to post more just let me know!

Anyway! What im actually updating you about is a new story i am starting.. im going to list some prompts i have and i would love it if you guys would give me your advice on which one i should write!


Jaymi is a popular boy at school. He always manages to make people laugh. One day a new boy shows up. George Shelly.

He soon becomes an out cast. No one knows why. All the girls would fall at his feet, at a first look of his curls, if he wasnt so secluded.

George doesnt wanna make friends. He came to this school knowing he wold try to stay in the background. He needed a new start after being targeted at his old school for coming out as gay. This is why he and his mum came. He promised himself that he woudnt let anyone get to know him and find out who he really is and thats why he prefers to be an outcast.

Jaymi makes that hard for him however because he is immediately captivated by georges constant downcast gaze and his always frowning lips. It soon becomes jaymis goal to get the boy to open up.


Jaymi. Also known as the gay one from Union J. Yes, he had enough guts to come out as gay to the fans and press. You might be wondering why? Why would jaymi want to put himself through more stress? One name. George. Ever sice they had been combined as a band on the xfactor, Jaymi could never seem to get his mind off the curly haired lad.

As each day passes it gets harder for him to not admit his feelings. George is completely oblivious to jaymis true feelings and jaymi is fully intent to keep to keep it that way. The only way he can do that however, is to distant himself from george.

What will happen to their relationship when george keeps blaming himself for why Jaymi Hates him now. will Jaymi eventually admit his true feelings?


George stared at Jaymi as they were doing an interview. George has been having these weird feelings lately when he cant get Jaymi off his mind. He doesnt understand it.

Everytime Jayi smiles at him or laughs, it makes george get these weird feelings. He just wants them to go away but another part of him wants them to be returned by Jaymi.

He makes up fantasies where he imagined Jaymi finally explaining why he decided to come out. He always had a small hope that he, george, was the reason crazy right?

Or is it?


Larry Stylinson. The most well known ship name. Harry and Louis play along with it as well. The always manage to touch eachother in interviews or if theyre not next to eachother Louis always makes snide remarks.

Its not real though. As much as the fans might hope it is. The only people who know this are the people theyre close with.

Niall Horan. He has been in deep like with Harry for a little while now. He obviously has to put up with Harrys constant flirting with Louis and thats why he doesnt let his feelings get any greater than the liking stage.

Everyone is confused when Harry just stops playing around with Louis one day. It all ends. Why you ask? Because Harry realized that over time he has fallen in Love with Niall Horan


You cant be gay. Hide your feelings. Dont let the fans know. These orders are what Harry recieves everyday from management.

He told simon about his sexuality one on one a few months ago. He, and the rest of management, decided tat it wasnt good for publicity.

He hasnt told anyone sine. Even the boys dont know. In a way Harry is okay with them not knowing because they still look at him the same and he can still be goofy with them. If they knew he was gay they might treat him differently.

What happens when Harry starts falling for a fan he meets? (where one direction only consists of Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn while Nialls a fan)

Pick which one of those you would like best! Thank youuuu!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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