Charlie POV

I woke up to music blaring throughout the house. Luckily my mum went to work at 5am so me and Tyler had to get up and ready ourselves and not get a beating. I got up out of my bed and stomped my way to Tyler's room.
"Tylerrrrrrrr!" You could probably he my shouting about a Mile away.
"Yes my dear sister who looks like a raccoon" oh I'm gonna kill that little bastard.
"Turn that fucking music down or I'm gonna shove my pool stick up your ass" I was pissed and I would shove it there.
"Why would I do that my beautiful sister" Tyler said sarcastically.
"Because I fucking said so you little prick" I went for his speakers and in plugged them and angrily made my way to my room to have a shower.

After my shower it was about 6:55 so I decided to get changed and go in my phone as usual. And again my phone was filled with text messages from Evelyn.
Hey, yo bitch... You up I want to get some fags! You coming -E

Yeah bitch, of course. Indeed some too. Come pick me up -C

So she came in her land rover and picked me up and we went to our usual shop were the cashier was actually Alex, one of Tylers mates so we could get served.
We walked in and immediately Alex new what we wanted and got it ready it the counter.
"Cheers Alex. How much?" I asked
"3 quid"
I gave him the money and went back to the car to get to school. What was the point in school when we ditched it anyway to go round the back to smoke.

10 minutes later
We arrived at school and got out of the car. Everyone and I mean everyone avoided us, I know clique, but I was the rebel of the school so you could see why everyone didn't like me.
Something seems off. I looked around and I noticed a car I had never seen before in school, it was a matt black Audi R8. Oh how lively we have a rich kid in school now. I just shrugged it off.
Evelyn and I decided to go round the back of the school as usual, so we did and as u got around the corner I got knocked on my ass. I looked up to see a person I haven't seen before, he was so hot and he looked stoned and smelt of weed.
"Sharing is caring ya know" I told him and he just looked at me with a confused expression on his face it was quite funny actually.
"You smell if weed and you've got blood shot eyes" I said getting up, Evelyn was just staring at me with her mouth gapping open.
"Okay in that case I'd love to share with you baby girl" he winked and I was now the confused one.
"Edge Wallace and you are" so that's his name.
"I didn't ask for your name" why was I such a douche, I was talking to a sexy running back.
"Someone hasn't slept very well" he just looked me in the eyes and walked away.
"I'll see you around Minnie" he shouted.
"My name isn't Minnie" I turned around to face an angry one.
"Whats with the face"
"That was Edge Wallace"
"Yeah I heard him say his name, what's the big deal"
"He's the bad boy of Trafford high"
"So and I'm the rebel of Elmore high"
She didn't answer for about a minute.
"You two would be perfect together"
She finally answered but it wasn't the one I wanted to hear.
"And explain why we would" I said annoyed.
"Well you both pretty people, you smoke and so does he, your both the bad people of the school now, and he has a nice car, yeah I know, I saw you starring at his car."  She kinda has a point but I don't want to be in a relationship.
We continued our walk to the back of the school and we each took out a fag and lit them up. I took a long drag out of mine and blew it out. Why would I want to be with him? I need to get to know him, the sexy running back.

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