I can't do this anymore. I can't stand being here when I'm living under the same roof as a psycho.
Tyler still isn't back and I'm left alone. I don't want to go to school because I can't be bothered getting up, I had been crying all night and didn't sleep very well so might as well rest.
Its currently 4am so mum is asleep probably. My door is still is locked so I should make the best if it.
I get dressed into some black ripped skinny jeans and a dark green flannel, I grab a pack of fags from under pillow and head to the window.
When I get to window I unlock it and climb out, I have drain pipe right outside so I just climb down that. When my feet touch the ground I run straight towards an abandoned building and walk inside.
Its pretty dark at this point so I use my lighter to make my way through the darkness. I find an old semi-burnt couch and sit down from running. Grabbing a fag from my pocket and lighting it I settle down and lean my head on the back of the couch and blow out the smoke.
"Hello, is anyone here"
I jolt my head up and make a run towards to door. I'm stopped by a arm around my waist, I feel like theres a rock lodged in my throat and slowly turn around to be met with same dark eyes I saw yesterday.
"Hey Minnie" his voice is low and husky.
"I've told you once and I'm going to say it again prick. My. Name. Is. Not. Minnie."
"Okay then, you know my name...tell me yours" I see a slight smirk come from the corner of his mouth, its quite attractive really.
"Why the fuck should I"
"Because I think it would be nice to tell me your name when you know mine baby girl"
"Charlie what?"
"Cute name, I'll be hearing it often then" he gives me a wink and let's go of my waist.
I star heading of to the burnt couch and spark up another fag.
"Sharing is caring" I hear from the darkness.
"You know the 'saying' sharing is caring don't you. I heard it from a wise woman yesterday. She's quite lovely actually, you should meet her.
"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny. Here you go"
I pass him the packet along with my lighter. The flame lights up and I can see his face, breathtaking, I talk in his features before the flame goes out.
"Thanks Minnie" he chuckles and I can hear the smirk along with it. I choose to ignore that remark and carry on with my business.
"Where do you live?"
"None of your concern thank you very much"
"Feisty, I like it" okay shut up please.
"But seriously where do live so I can walk you home, you look tired"
"I still ain't telling ya bad boy"
Annoying much. Why does he need to know, I can walk by myself.
"You know I still have your fags right"
My eyes go wide and that's when I give in.
"22 walmsey street. Know it?"
" I do actually, I went past that street coming here."
"Okay. Then of we go"
So we set off and walked on the sidewalk with a silence, not an awkward one but also not a comfortable one.
"Sooo... When did you move here Edge? I mean you turned up out of the blue"
"Maybe a week ago I came here because there were some problems at my old school"
"What kind of problems?"
His jaw clenched and his fists were balls making his knuckles go white.
"I'll tell you sometime but not now! Okay"
He seemed a little mad but I shrugged it off, I guess it was quite bad.
We got close to my house and I just waved him off and made my way back by myself.
Climbing back up the pipe and into my room felt time consuming but it was worth it because I had my bed. I turned to the clock and realised what time it was. 6:30am. Oh well I'm not going to school anyway and mum is probably at work by now.
I flopped onto my bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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