12. Leap of Faith

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12. Leap of Faith

Trust in dreams, for in them is the gate to eternity.

"Ofcourse I trust you, but why?" I look at him sideways as he firmly holds me.

"We will show Yuko" his smile is way to ominous for my taste, but I keep my mouth shut.

We are halfway the second lap when I figure out what he meant. He takes my leg and lifts me into the air. I don't know what to do so I just stretch out and try to look as elegant as I can. I must have looked like a dying swan.

He gently puts me back down on the ice and I can hear gasps. When I look around I see that Yuri has joined Yuko and they're both watching with their mouths open.

"That was beautiful you guys" Yuko says and I know that she means it.

"Well I didn't do anything really, it was all Victor"

"That's not true Em, you should give yourself some credit" there is this look on his face, one I haven't seen before.

"The only thing I did was get lifted into the air"

"Ember, it is just as hard for the one in the air for they are the ones who keep the balance. If you would have faltered you would have both fallen" Yuko explains "you looked so beautiful up there, like a star, shining bright'

"Zvezda" Victor murmurs in Russian.

"Zvezda? What does that mean" I look at him, it was a miracle in itself I was able to pronounce his Russian name correctly.

"It means star" He smiles "You're a star Em"

I laugh and not soon after we decide to get off the ice. While I take of my skates I think back on today. Victor asked me if I trusted him, but he had to have trusted me more to lift me up. I could have made the both of us fall.

I get out of the locker room and see Victor, Yuri and Yuko waiting for me. They all seem pretty happy and I can't help to smile with them.

"Let's go grab a drink" Yuri suggests "To celebrate today"

We all agree and head to the local pub. We are seated in the corner and I opt on a non-alcoholic beverage today, I still remember what happened last time.

"To Yuri, for his silver medal" Yuko raises her glass

"To Victor, for being my coach" Yuri adds

"To Ember, for not letting us fall today" Victor smiles and I can't help but smile with him.

Our glasses come together as we toast and I am glad to be with my friends.

"Victor how did you feel when you won your first Grand Prix all those years ago" Yuri asks as he takes a sip of his beer.

"Nervous, I remember being so nervous, but once I got on the ice everything faded away. It was just me and the ice in that moment and I knew that I could make it" I listen to his story and after a few hours of recess remember what day it is today.

Victor continues and Yuri is listening intently as I zone out. The hurt can crush you from the inside out. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and I am forced to look up.

"What are you thinking about little star" Victor asks as he looks at me, his vision is like waves crashing the shore. In these past few months I have let him get closer than anyone ever had before.

"Nothing really" I just want to cuddle up to him, but I won't

"You don't have to lie to us Ember, we can see something is wrong" Yuri says and his smile is full of compassion.

"on this day two years ago my parents and I were in a car crash, I was the only survivor" my breath hitches and I can feel Victor's hand stiffen on my shoulder.

"I didn't know that was today, I am sorry" He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close

"I am so sorry Ember, but you are not alone you have all of us now" Yuko says

"I'll drink to that" Yuri adds and raises his glass "To life!"

"To Life!" We all chime in and once again put our glasses together.

A few hours pass and Yuko is the first to leave, not soon after Yuri decides to head back and I am left with Victor. He, like me, decided to stay on non-alcoholic drinks.

"You should have told me it was today, I could have been there for you" He stares into his glass.

"But you were! Do you know how much fun I had today? Yes I was scared to death, but I had fun. You made me forget" I blush at the confession as I stare at my hands.

"I am glad, are you okay though" he looks at me now

"Not really, but I will be. You know sometimes I wonder" I stay silent for a while.

"Wonder what?" His eyes are sparked with question.

"Sometimes I wonder whether I am living life or just enduring it."

He stays silent for a while, I am guessing he does not know what to say and I don't blame him. I don't even know what to say, so how could he possibly know what to say?

"I think that we are all just enduring life, but with every choice we make we defy life, we defy pain and hurt. We choose our own paths in life and you can never know where that path will take you" He smiles "but I think that even though you might not always end up where you wanted to end up, you always end up where you were supposed to go"

I sigh in admiration, this was what it was. This was what I had been wondering ever since I went here and maybe that was why I felt so guilty. My parents had died, yet I am glad I got to meet all these people because of it. Maybe it was time to let go of the guilt, let go of the past.

"I think you are right" I finish my drink and shake my head.

"What? Are you making fun of me?"

"On the contrary, I am admiring your way of thinking. You literally have everything you could have dreamed of and yet you have such a big heart!" I look at him, admiring him more than I did before.

Damn those eyes, damn his mind, his talent, damn him! Everything he does makes me fall harder for him. I had known for a while that I liked him, but he simply keeps surprising me.

We pay the drinks and once again head back to the resort together.

"It's almost Christmas" I begin "So I was wondering, what would you like for Christmas?" He looks at me.

"hmm, I have been getting this question a long time"

"Really? I thought you didn't celebrate Christmas?"

"We don't, but my birthday is on the 25th of December"

"Wow really? That's cool, so you were a Christmas present to your parents!

"I guess so" he laughs "but I have no Idea what I would like for my birthday or Christmas, surprise me"

The first chapter of the day! Later this day the second one will come! I am working on the Christmas chapter now!!

Xx Esmay

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