Black vs Lawrence!

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Lawrence had revived and Black was born! Both of them were incredibly strong but who was stronger? Both managed to become the God of All in the past! Today you get to see them fight! (Or get to read them fight).

Black: This energy... it's coming from that way! It's evil! I will take his power!

Lawrence: You... I know you want this power! I also want your power!

Black: How about we fight it off?

Lawrence: Sounds good to me!

Lawrence attacking Black! Getting the first shot! They fought with each punch becoming more painful! Lawrence kicked Black with his Extreme Attack! But Black just shook it off and hit Lawrence with a Big Bang attack! The two fought extremely well! But this is battle ended with one death! And one person gaining all power!

Black: KAA... MEE... HA.... ME...

Lawrence: Death! RAY!!

Black: HAAAAAA!!!!

There was an incredible beam struggle between the two, but one of them lost! Lawrence was victorious at killing Black! Lawrence gained Blacks power!

Diamond: Sensed their energy! He knew they were fighting but there was nothing Diamond could've done!

Diamond: This Black is far more weaker than the Black from the future! Maybe in the future Black absorbed more people and trained a lot but this Black is new! So he is far weaker!

GG: This Lawrence is weaker too... But still very strong! He did absorb Goku! Dammit we need to find Red!

Diamond: I'll find Red! You get to Ninjuk and Ken!

GG: Alright!

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