Finally Black was defeated and our heroes can finally rest! Goku went to train just in case someone like Black or stronger appear!
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Lucinda: You look like your getting stronger!
Goku: You too! Your X10 spell is getting better! You can defiantly use it way longer now!
Lucinda: Ya, I'm trying to boost my heal spell so I can heal people faster!
Goku: You do that! I wonder what dad up to.
Meanwhile in the NetherRealm.
Gold: I see, your moves are quick and smart, your strong!
Akuma: Your weak in the NetherRealm! Ha your screwed!
Gold: We'll see about that! I put my knight right here!
Akuma: Oh, well I eat that with my queen!
Gold: Dang! But I wanted you to do that!
Akuma: what?
Gold: I'm gonna eat your queen why my horse! Ha and check mate!
Akuma: Damn, your good at this!
Gold: Hah, well I'm gonna go, see ya
Akuma: Why, your afraid your gonna lose if we play again? You know I wasn't trying!
Gold: Alright then show me your moves!
And GG was training with Diamond! Everyone was having some good free time.
Diamond: I'm going to the Nether to revive Kipp!
GG: Isn't that against the NetherRealm Law? You can't revive if your not a demon!
Diamond: Who cares!
But what he doesn't know is... breaking a law in the Nether can start war! And he is also reviving Lawrence!
Choose our heroes fate! By voting here for the next Saga!!! Choose between!
NetherRealm War!
Resurrection of L!!
Next chapter starts this Sunday December 18 so check it out! Vote by commenting! To comment hold down on any sentence and click comment! Thanks for reading!