Distress from the Future

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Diamond had learned that Gold is still alive, Akuma was about to attack Diamond, but right when Akuma moved. A giant blur appeared in front of them.

???: Did I make it? Where am I?

Diamond: Who are you?

Akuma: Hey! How did you escape from the NetherRealm? Once dead only demons can go back out!

Diamond: what do you mean? He died? And he came back without being a demon?

???: I need to find Goku and fast!

He ran off, he was so fast not even Diamond could see he's movements.

Meanwhile, miles away from Diamond, Lucinda was helping Goku train.

Lucinda: MEGA BOOST!!!!

Gold: Your doing it!! I can feel my power increasing.

Lucinda: Ya but it's temporal! It can only last for 5 minutes...

Goku: It's ok! You can eventually increase it and with the amount of power I get from that 5 minutes is more than enough to end my enemies!

Suddenly, a really fast blur appeared in front of them.

Goku: Who are you?!! Wait... Speedster?

Future Speedster: No, it's me, the speedster from the future!

Goku: oh hey!! Long time no see!

Lucinda: Who are you?

Goku explained who Future Speedster is and what he did.

Goku: What brings you here?

Future Speedster: I am aware that my old self is dead. I came here for help! This guy, his name is Black...

Goku: Trouble in the future again? It's ok we'll help you!

Future S: I do agree, you got stronger over the years but... I don't think it will be enough to stop him! What about your father?

Goku: He's... dead....

Future S: Oh... I'm sorry about that, and your mother?

Goku: She's alive but very injured

Future S: I see... who else could help us?

Goku: I'm always here!

Future S: Are you sure?

Goku: OF COURSE!!! Who do you think I am! But if this Black is as strong as you say he is then we might need some help! I'm gonna try to find Diamond

Future S: Diamond?...

Diamond and Akuma had been fighting, with each punch or kick getting stronger as they go.

Akuma: Enough!!! I don't have time for this! I will find Gold and kill him! Absorbing his powers and make him my mind controlled slave!!!

Akuma left to the NetherRealm, Diamond could follow him but that would be a stupid move, since Gods lose all their strength/powers once they enter the NetherRealm. Goku arrived in front of him with Future Speedster.

Diamond: I have a bad news!

Goku: me too!

Diamond: you can go first. What is it?

Goku: This is my friend Speedster, he's from the future, he came back in time once to help us fight against Lawrence, he came to warn us that there is another trouble in the future!

Future S: Please help us!

Diamond: Damn! That is bad!

Goku: What is your bad news?

Diamond: Gold is... Alive!

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