It was time, they were prepared, the only way to defeat this Black was to go to the Future and fight him. Future Speedster was gonna help the bring them there.
Goku: Wait... if this Black showed up in the future, does this mean...
Diamond: your right, it will eventually happen in our timeline. Do you know what Black looks like?
Future Speedster: Of course, but it's gonna be hard for me to describe it
GG: Well, let's go see!
Diamond: No! We need you and Lucinda to stay, just in case Gold arrives.
Future Speedster: I thought Gold was dead?
Goku: Ya, isn't that what happened?
Diamond: No! Gold is still alive, he might be planning something... GG, if Gold shows up...
GG: I know how to fight! JEEZ... and Lucinda can give me a power up spell so I guess it'll be alright!
Lucinda: I can multiply your strength by 2 so far but right now I'm working on a times 10 spell.
Diamond: Great, let's go.
GG: Diamond...
Diamond: Ya?
GG: Be... Be safe!
Diamond: you two.
Future Speedster: Let's go then!
Future Speedster ran around in circle over and over again so fast he made a time portal by breaking the time barrier. They entered the portal and arrived in the future.
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