The next day

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* The morning *
I woke up before any of the girls because I needed the loo so I got up, I then went downstairs to sit on the sofa because they were all still asleep, someone came down the stairs and it was Jesy and she said Heya you okay y/n I replied with yeah I'm good just wanted to get up Jesy just smiled.
The only person wasn't up was Perrie which is no surprise clearly, we all sat there talking and Jade randomly said I think y/n should find someone to date, me and Jesy just looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.
IM UPPPP Perrie shouted we all just laughed at her
Y/N Perrie said Yes Pez I replied she said come with me to the kitchen and convince Leigh to make me something  to eat, c'mon then as I took her hand. Leigh want me to help I said yeah please she replied Pez I'll make you something Hun go and sit down.
* Perrie's POV *
I woke and the first thing that was on mind was y/n which to me was a shock but then I remembered my feelings for her, I went downstairs and asked y/n to help me convince Leigh to make me something to eat she said okay and took my hand I mean we've held hands before but to me this time was different and I smiled she went in and asked Leigh if she wanted help Leigh said yes and the y/n said to me Pez I'll make you something Hun go and sit down I honestly don't know what I'd do if I wasn't friends with y/n but I want to be more than friends but she's not looking for anyone not only that I don't want to ruin our friendship why is loving someone so hard to keep to yourself hang I know I'll tell Jade.
Jade I said
* Jade's POV *
I heard Perrie call me so I replied Yes Pez, Jade can I tell you something but promise me you won't tell a soul I promise Pez you know me well enough to the point I won't tell anyone okay Pez said, so basically you know y/n I said yes Pez she's in the kitchen with Leigh no that's not what I mean Jade what I mean is I'm in love with her, since when I asked they day when you left us to go and see Jed she told me she loved me back I blushed and that's when I knew, I smiled at her and went Pez just tell her, that's the thing I don't know how to and plus she's not looking for anyone Jade she said Pez it was an idea babe you don't have to go by it I said

Girls I shouted as they are upstairs getting ready
Yeah they all shouted back in sync, I'm going home know I'll see you all soon I shouted Jesy shouted bye but she was the only who said it which was weird

A/N sorry this is long in doing three more chapters for today and then I'll do more tomorrow but I may end up doing loads today!
If you have any suggestions please comment down I'd love some ideas

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