Michael leaves y/n alone

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So the message says "' I see how much happier you are with her than you ever were with me I treated you wrong and I shouldn't have but y/n I'm leaving the country and I'm never coming back I want you to happy but you can't with me around you always seem startled whenever I'm around and I hate myself for doing what I done to you, this is goodbye but I'm sorry 😐. Bye y/n "

So does this mean I free from this aggressive boy? I thought to myself, I decided to go sleep on it and re read the message when I'm fully awake.

* Perrie's POV *
So I woke up before y/n weird I know but I saw her phone and saw a message from Michael saying he's going to leave my baby alone I hope this is true and she forgets about him because she still has nightmares about what he done to her and I hate it she sometimes goes days without talking to us just by thinking about her past with him

So I woke up without Perrie by my side I checked the time and it's 1pm which now makes sense so I unlocked my phone and it came on the message from Michael I don't know wether to reply to him or leave him on read then he sent another saying " You don't have to reply y/n just wanted to let you know so stop debating wether to reply to me because I know you don't want to " and with that I got out of bed and went downstairs to the girls looking at me like someone died so I broke the silence by saying anyone want a drink they all replied no so I took myself to the kitchen and felt arms around me I knew it was Perrie and went morning well afternoon babe she giggled and kissed me on the top of my head.

As the day went on I went back up to my room just thinking about well what he said, is he really going to leave me alone? Is he finally going to let me be happy? So many things are going through my mind about just that message while I was in my thoughts I got interrupted by my door knocking so I answered and said come in and it was the one and only Perrie Edwards who came in and went babe I saw the message he sent you when I got up is that what your thinking about I nodded and she went.

* Perrie's POV *
Baby this is a good thing he's finally going to let you be happy with me without you always being worried with him around you it's just going to be me and you and the girls but it's all about us baby girl I love you and smiled at her she smiled back but it was weak babe she went hmm I went come here and cuddle her till she spoke up and went.

Perrie I'm happy he's going I'm glad I'm finally going to be happy with the one I've been wanting for ages and I've got you all to myself and I AM NOT SHARING JESSICA which made her laugh baby it's all about us now we don't have to worry about him around us I said to her

We went back down I gathered the girls around and explained what happened and they were all happy as well

With Michael leaving we al decided to watch films for the rest of the day but me being me decided to fall asleep through Perrie's choice I dare you to guess what it's yep you guessed it it was Frozen, I can only watch that certain amount of times and tonight isn't one of them.

A/N: I am so sorry this update took to long I knowwww but guys it's here now that's all that matters Michael has finally backed off want to know what happens next find out in the next chapter coming soon 😉

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