The Princesses

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Full Name (Goes By): Anna Reagan Schreave (Anna Rea)
Age: 15
Position: Princess

Full Name (Goes By): Anna Reagan Schreave (Anna Rea)Age: 15Position: PrincessAppearance:

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Opinion on the Selection: Anna Rea is not looking forward to other girls invading her space but is willing to give it a try

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Opinion on the Selection: Anna Rea is not looking forward to other girls invading her space but is willing to give it a try. She just doesn't want her brother to get hurt.
Backstory: Anna Rea was born in the palace and is content with her life. She dreams to travel to other countries and observe their architecture. She wants to become an architect.
Other: Anna Rea is dating the prince of Germany, Anderson Beaulivard.

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Full Name (Goes By): Eleanor Maddox Schreave (Ella)
Age: 11
Position: Princess

Full Name (Goes By): Eleanor Maddox Schreave (Ella)Age: 11Position: PrincessAppearance:

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Opinion on the Selection: Ella is excited about the Selection but slightly worried. Will the Selected's pay attention to her? Or is all they're after the crown?
Backstory: Ella has only been outside of the castle once or twice but wants to see the world! She loves traveling and adores plane rides. She hopes to become a pilot when she is 18 and to leave the castle to travel to exotic places.
Other: Ella is twin to Cece.

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Full Name (Goes By): Cecelia Finley Schreave (Cece)
Age: 11
Position: Princess

Opinion on the Selection: Cece is excited about the Selection because she loves dresses and getting fancy

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Opinion on the Selection: Cece is excited about the Selection because she loves dresses and getting fancy. She thinks of it like an opportunity to get another big sister!
Backstory: Cece was born in castle and has only left once or twice. She likes being a princess and wouldn't trade it for anything.
Other: Cece is twin to Ella.

The Prince's Choice: A Selection RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now