"And finally, let the Selection begin!"
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Prince Luke Schreave has come of age and is inviting 20 girls between the ages of 15 and 18 to stay at the castle so he can choose his bride-to-be.
Who will win? You? Or the girl you thought was yo...
Full Name (Goes By): Rachel Eleanor Phipps (Nora) Age: 39 Position: Palace Organizer, Royal Advisor, Queen's Lady-In-Waiting Appearance:
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Opinion on the Selection: Lady Phipps thinks the Selection is a fine idea. She shares the Queens love of it, since they met at the Selection. Backstory: Lady Phipps was a 2, an actress from Bonita in Alexander's Selection. She and the Queen, Diana, met and became close friends. Lady Phipps made it to the Elite, but she and Alex made it clear they were only friends. Alex married Diana and Lady Phipps was the maid-of-honor in their wedding. She stayed on as a Royal advisor and the Queen's lady-in-waiting and just as a friend to the royal family! Over the years, her position has risen to be an overall organizer of the palace. She teaches the royal children, is in charge of all the balls with the Queen, creates the guards rotations, works with the maids, cooks and gardeners and more. She will be in charge of the Selection as well. Other: She can be very harsh. You don't want to get on her bad side.