The Report: Edition 1

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Thea Fadaye was sitting in a chair on the set of the Report. She grinned at the camera and started to speak. "Hello Illea! To wrap things up on this edition of the Report, the Illean royals have a special announcement! The King and Queen's eldest son, Luke, has come of age. Like King Alexander did, Luke will hold a Selection. 20 girls between the ages of 15 and 18 will be selected at random. The Royal family will be sending letters out soon to eligible ladies with the details and the form to fill out so please be on the lookout for them. And finally Illea, let the Selection begin!" Thea beamed and the camera turned off. She turned to Luke and winked and Luke gave a halfhearted shrug in response.

The Prince's Choice: A Selection RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now