TASK 5: The Report Interviews

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Once again, this is a two part task!

Part 1: Outfit
- You must have a collage of your outfit. I recommend Polyvore or PicCollage.
- You must include your dress, shoes and hair in the collage. You can add makeup, jewelry and accessories though.
- Send it to me via a link over PM
- The dress you wear must be white. Show off your style, but it must be white themed! Consider adding a splash of color though for a memorable outfit!
The top 5 outfits will be published in the Report magazine, along with excerpts from their interviews.
Start: May 14
End: May 28

Part 2: Interviews
- You need to roleplay with Thea Fadaye until she dismisses you
- I will start the chain when I need you
Start: May 21
End: May 28

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