Chapter 19

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Chapter 19-Discovery

Rhea takes one look at Santo as he enters their office suite and immediately runs to him to take his briefcase and sets it on his desk in his office.

“You look terrible.  Why did you come in here today?”  She ask as she looks at his bruised and scratched face.

“I’ve got too much to do today.”  He tells her.

“What you’ve got to do is not get yourself killed trying to figure out what’s going on around here.  How’s Taylor?  I couldn’t get Julian calmed down yesterday after he found out what happened.  He’ll be in to talk to you later.  He’s taking me to lunch.”  Rhea hands him his coffee.

“Thanks Rhea, Taylor doesn’t let you inside to see her feelings much and she’s not very happy with the way I handled the situation yesterday.”  He murmurs.

“Can you blame her, she’s not like that other one.  She cares about you and I know you’re doing a lot of this because you care about her, but you’ve got to let the police handle this.  Santo, this sort of thing is not your life anymore.  Rhea pleads.

“Rhea, please not today.  I can’t leave this to the police.  I haven’t been able to put all the pieces together yet. I don’t know how much of this involves her.  You can’t tell her anything.  She’s going to ask you.  She knows I have all of Cromwell’s shoe line in my safe.” 

“You know I won’t say anything, but this is not something you should keep from her.   If you suspect  her ex-fiancé is involved in something illegal she has a right to know. You need to tell her and tell her everything soon.  Santo, if you care about her, you have to trust her.”  Rhea responds.

“I know and I want to tell her just not yet.”  He rakes his fingers through his hair and shakes his head.  “I know she's going to hate me when she finds out the real reason I'm here."  Santo leans against Rhea's desk.

"Sweetie, she will be mad for a while, but she'll come around and you just need to prepare yourself for that.  I know you really like her and I like her to.  I'm not just saying that because I'm dating her father.  Taylor is beautiful on the inside and out and she's what you need Santo.  Don't keep secrets from her.  You don't want her to find out about you from someone else.  Now come on, we've got to get your shit together.  You figure this thing out, I know you can do it."   Rhea replies.

Santo sighs and stands to go to his office.  "You know when my father forced me to take you as my assistant I thought I would get rid of you by the end of the day.  We have an anniversary coming up and I honestly don't know what I would do without you."  He hugs her.

"Alright, don't go all mushy on me.  Somebody might find out your a Teddy bear instead of a Dragon." Rhea murmurs, her voice full of emotion.

"Yeah, right... Can you get Wilton to cover for me at the two o’clock meeting?”  Santo request. 

Closing the door to his office he stands at the window and looks at the skyline.  He knows running into that house the way he did yesterday was a foolish thing to do. Kyle told him Taylor was hysterical until she seen him walk from the house.  Seeing the blood all over him terrified her.    She ran to him and made sure he was alright first then she slapped him.  He couldn’t believe it.  He wanted to hold her in his arms.   He was already cut, bruised and beaten and she was angry with him yelling at him that he could have been hurt.  She doesn’t know that doing things like this was a part of his life for so long.  He took chances every day without someone like her to care about him.  It’s a strange feeling to have someone show they care and he doesn’t know how to deal with it.  

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