Chapter 4: Anger of the Lonely

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                His eye’s felt heavy as they opened up. His dark green eyes slid around the room, trying to figure out where he was. The room was dark and close courters, he could tell that for sure. He tried to get up but his body wouldn’t let him, he felt so heavy and he had no idea why that was. Then he remembered. He remembered the sound of sirens, the flashing of blue and red light and the sound of his screams. Most of all he remembered the sight of the stretchers caring the dead bodies of his loved ones. The thought tore him up on the inside; he felt a deep pain burrowing into his inner being, one he couldn’t even begin to describe.

                Slowly he stood up; his legs shook as he felt his knees almost give out. He saw that a light switch ahead and he made it his goal for that moment. Everything was gone in his life, at least everything he cared for, so he had to hold onto something, even if it that something was just a light switch ahead. With every step he felt more and more pain, so much so he wished that he would die right there and then. He made it, finally made it, and flicked the switch on. His eyes closed when the bright florescent light filled the room.

                He frowned as he looked around at the small empty room. The walls were bleak and white and the room couldn’t have been any bigger than a small storage space. All that was in the room was a table that took up most of the space with a single chair behind it; the only other thing in the room was the chair he had woken up on.

                “Where am I?” He said aloud, his voice echoing loudly in the small room. That’s when he noticed it, how could he not have. On the wall just to the side of the table was a large mirror. “Of course, it only makes sense that this is where I’d be,” he whispered under his breath. He was in TCPD, the Twistern City Police Department.

                After he had fainted they must’ve brought him here. They couldn’t have let him sleep at his house being that it was a crime scene at that point in time.  A crime scene, he let that thought echo through his head. It made him feel hollow and empty. So empty he had no idea what he was going to do with his life now, what was going to happen. Then for the first time in a couple years Ashton felt something he had forgotten about, fear. Pure and absolute fear. He shook and slowly began to sob to himself, not caring if there was someone behind the double sided mirror watching him.

                After a few moments he pulled himself together as much as he could and that wasn’t much at that. He sighed loudly and his body shook lightly. Slowly he reached forward and grabbed hold of the door knob, luckily for him the door was next to the light switch, it made his life just a tad bit easier. For him, he felt like his life wasn’t going to be getting an easier for him. He twisted the door knob and felt it click open, which was a relief; at least he wasn’t locked in.

                Slowly and quietly he stepped into the hallway ahead of him. He took a step forward and another, making each footstep a goal, something that kept him going. He knew he had no reason to keep going on in life at this point, at least that’s how he felt. So he went on, knowing he had nothing better to do than push himself father on. He’d round one corner, then another and another. It was quiet; he’d see a few people in the hallways and all would just look at him but say nothing. That was just fine by him, words would only hurt him.

                Not knowing what to do or where to go he decided to just keep walking. Then he entered one more hallway and he felt an air of emptiness. He couldn’t explain it but it felt like the air here was heavy, very heavy. He began moving forward down the hall, feeling like he was being pulled down into it.

                “Yeah, it was a triple homicide.” The voice was thick and heavy, slurred almost. As if the person who was speaking had had a few drinks.

                “Yeah, that’s what I’ve been told,” said a second voice, this one sharp and raspy. Ashton knew better than to ease drop, it was rude and the fact that he was in a police department which made it even worse. But he stopped and listened anyways, he could tell this was about his family, he needed to hear whatever was about to be said.

                “Yup, killed by another one of those Black Hat gang members. Don’t know which one this time but we’ve got no problem letting it slide this time, checked this morning and found the money on my doorstop.” There was a heavy chuckle followed by a sickly sounding cough.

                “Yeah, got my share of the money as well. Feel bad for the kid though, will never get to see his parents or his sister’s killer get put behind bars.” The second voice said with a bit of relief in his voice. “I hate it when I actually have to do work.”

                Ashton felt an emotion flood his system. He felt it take over him, felt it mix deep into his soul with his pain and sadness. His teeth clenched and his fist tightened. Anger, pure and simple anger filled him entirely. Then he felt adrenaline course through his system and he felt himself fully awaken. He didn’t just wake up physically but he awoke in a way that caused him to see everything differently now.

                He didn’t even listen to the rest of the two men’s conversations, he didn’t need to. Just moments ago he felt like he had no purpose left in the world. As he stormed out of the TCPD he realized his new purpose in life. That purpose was plain and simple, to end these men’s lives and all others who were involved.

                He was going to take control of this corruptible system and he was going to make everyone pay, he swore it on his parent’s and sisters grave.

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