Killing the Silenced [3] Personal Space

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Another renewed chapter is up :)  

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Fix you coffins ladies,  

We are all going to die one day.  

So take your memories else were,  

And start praying you'll see the light before the gate.  


It was roughly around one in the morning when Marcie felt the car come to a halt. She groaned when the sensation of being grabbed by her shoulders awoken her.

"Come on sleeping beauty, we haven't got all day." A familiar, impassive tone says abruptly, his green eyes somewhat hazy from her view for the sleep that claimed them.

"One more minute mom." She mumbles carelessly, letting her body curled into a ball, just like a cat does. She could faintly catch the voice grunt in response. The feeling of body heat firmly pressing against her finally causes her movements to freeze.

"Well mother says get up." It whispered huskily, causing Marcie to atomically straighten up to meet the mocking roar of laughter that erupts from Sean.

"God you piss me off." She murmured as his laughter dies, his lips daring to curve into a contemptuous sneer.

"Good to know darling." His voice was as smooth as ever, but it didn't do one bit of justice for his cocky attitude. Out of all the assassins she could have been captured by, it had to be this guy!

" So...where are we?" She asked nonchalantly, rubbing some of the sleepiness from her eyes. Through the drowsiness though, she caught sight of the gloomy gray sky that dropped low like snow clouds would.

"A place in Tahiti, were the sun always shines. What does it look like?" Sean remarked sarcastically. Marcie just rolled her eyes as she glanced down to find a cabin just ahead that glowed from the inside. Funny, it looked too cozy for a place an assassin would take you. She expected an abandon building where she be sleep in the basement, tied up to starve with disintegrating walls all around like they shown in the movies, but then again, maybe the inside isn't like the outside of the cabin.

"I meant what state, country, place." She stated specifically, taking in the area around them. Countless trees surrounded the place, but that didn't help narrow down her choices. Plus, it was too damn cold to even think logically.

"Ah, that I can't tell you." He replied calmly, locking the doors to the Mercedes.

"We're in Finland aren't we?" Marcie questioned dumbly, not knowing what else to say. She only had been there once, and during the time, it was winter. Her father had rented a larger cabin though unlike this one. She guessed she was around seven at the time.

"Like I take us that far. If I had tried taking us on a plane, they would have surely have seen their most precious heiress and arrested me. I'm not suicidal." Sean voice was laced with exasperation as he moves soundlessly to the cabin door, not bothering to wait for Marcie. It made her wonder how long it took him to learn to walk without making much of a sound.

'Well he smart when it comes down to it.'

"Good to know darling." She mocked before making her way to the door was as Sean flipped through several keys that hung from a single chain.

"Enough of that, let's get inside unless you wish to sleep in the snow." Was all he said when he finally opened the door. Instantly her face is caressed with warm air from inside, rushing out to meet her as it takes away the bitter chill from outside.

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