Killing The Silenced [5] The First shot

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Thank you to those who have been reading this story!!

Comments and criticisms much loved! ;)


The sounds of silence are flooding the streets tonight

And we also willing to commit the crime

Should we expect no consequence (No consequence)

Maybe all lies will pass the test (Will pass the test)

- Eyes Set To Kill


Though the day had started with clear weather and a bright radiant sun, the roads ahead were now dark with gray callous clouds that tumbled along the large hills. The snow reflected what bits of sunlight it could through the dense clouds yet offered little warmth to her.

The car heater blasted while Sean and Marcie sat in silence, only letting some sounds escape from the radio as rock music echoes within the small sports car. She made sure of herself to keep a steady gaze on the right side of her, making mental notes on how particular trees were shaped and if she could spot any houses within running or walking distance from the cabin. She was unsurprised when she found nothing.

A half hour back before they had started this little car trip, she attempted to ask where they were headed too and just like Sean, the answer was a very blunt, and vague answer.

'We are going to visit an old acquaintance.' He had said, and that was the end of that conversation.

Now here they were, driving in the middle of nowhere without a signal town in site or even a ray of hope of getting out of this horrible situation. If only she had her Ipod with her to at least try to block out this losing war in her head, she might be able to think of a strategy to get out of here and see if dad was ok.

'Dad...I hope you're at least not too worried.' She thought sadly, her gaze softening a bit as she found herself dazing off. She didn't even notice her misty eyes were wondering around till she realizes they had landed on Sean.

"Dozing off won't help the situation Marcie." He murmured lowly, eyes still trained on the road with his back against the leather seat in a lazy fashion. He didn't even spare a glance towards her as she rolled her eyes.

"One can at least be hopeful" She remarked sarcastically, hoping her voice sounded somewhat harsh. Yet, with her mind hazy with thoughts, it wasn't easy to keep it appear that way.

"It's probably the only thing you can do in your case." He said causally, his lips twitching into a smug smile as he turns his head into the mirrors reflection, glancing behind them as if he could see invisible cars trailing his sleek Mercedes. Paranoia much?

"In my case? Oh don't act like I wanted to be here. You were the one who showed up out of nowhere and dragged me out to this god forsaken place." She hissed through grinding teeth, misty eyes narrowing in annoyance as he just shrugged it off.

"Oh? I thought you liked nature?" He said, green eyes now gazing over to Marcie's infuriate ones with a look of perfect innocence. She had to practically fight the urge to roll her eyes at the man's stupid games.

"I do, but what does that have to do with anything? That's completely irrelevant with what I was stating." She sighed before glancing back to her window, watching as powdered trees passed it by.

"Well looky here, the princess knows big words. Usually I thought rich chicks were stupid and ditsy." Sean mocked, lifting one of his defined brows with a furtive smirk.

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