Killing the Silenced [7] Uncomfortable

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But still, the truth remains lethal  

A lie made by man  

Where my shoes become hammers  

And my words become sand

- Come In Closer: by Blue October  


In the dream, Marcie watched as a younger blonde haired girl smiled to her, the eyes of the child showing a beautiful coloring of a light gray as she held onto a worn out stuffed animal that vaguely reminded Marcie of the one that was back in her bedroom. As she stood there, the little girl waved in a friendly gesture, as though happy to see Marcie while she mirrored her movements.

To her, the feeling of home washed over her as the girl twirled beside her, smiling and singing a silent melody as she raised her hands To Marcie to join in. Returning the smile, she joined in and followed the girl's movements, not knowing why it filled warm feeling within her heart. It seemed everything was perfect here, and though the scenery was somewhat gray, it didn't feel frightening to her.

Then a woman screamed, freezing Marcie in place as a shadow moved across the gray space in a cloak of black ink that stained the air. As she tried to reach out for the child, the shadowed neared as hands from the black abysses out stretched to grab whoever stood in its path. Marcie attempted to push the girl away, hopping to save her from the shadows grasp but found herself being pulled down by an invisible force.

With her hands stretched out, struggled to remain above the ground as the child began to wail. It seemed the shadow had gotten her after all, and was now slowly devouring the innocent soul that it greedily possessed. Before the little girl disappeared though, a face fade over hers, the eyes changing as an older version of her came into view.

With a whimper, Marcie gave up on her struggle as she fell to her knees, unable to take hold of the figures hand as she realized who the girl was.

Letting herself sink, she watched as the girl faded, leaving only a small stuffed toy as Marcie drowned in oblivion.


When Marcie had finally regained consciousness she found herself in a difficult situation. Her vision was distorted, confused as she tried to lift a hand to rub the sleep from her eyes. Sadly though, the key word was tried. The moment she raised her hand from its resting place she found that it was able to only move a few inches form its spot before it froze in mid motion. Along with its abrupt stop, she heard the faint sound of metal meeting metal as they softly clashed together.

Confused, she turned her head to her hand and found what had caused the problem. It seemed when she was unconscious that Sean had decided to chain her to the bed. At first she didn't remember what she had done to even get chained up in the first place, but when the images began to come back, she found herself not wishing she had recalled them.

Memories for yesterday suddenly rushed back to her, their force enough to halt her breathing as she recalled in horrifying detail about the events that had taken place.

The windows were gone, glass scattered about the floor and glisten with droplets of blood while a room was desecrated by stray bullets. A mother, in a desperate attempt to save her child, had shielded her from the fatal blows of the bullets. Red liquid was freely flowing from the wounds, creating a puddle around her and the girl in a color that resembled red wine-

She stopped in mid thought, not wanting to go on. If she remembered anymore she was sure she'd think about Stanley, and how he died. for now, she would have to put these thoughts on hold, otherwise she would break down.  

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