Red's off the mountain, and into the air with Green.

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Red's daily routine had consisted of battling frigid temperatures atop the peak of Mt. Silver, training his Pokémon under the conceals of the torrents of snow. No paparazzi could ever dream of making it up this mountain to pester him, The champion of Kanto despised them with a fervent passion. He loved his quiet life, he trained his extremely powerful Pokémon without abandon, and trained himself just as hard. He worked out daily to be the strongest he could alongside his Pokémon. He made the peak of Mt. Silver an ideal home for him. He carved his own furniture from stone and built himself a nice roomy space he was proud of. He was always gathering plenty of nutrient packed foods and timber to provide a better home for him and his Pokémon away from society. Well not technically completely away from society, he only had the most powerful trainers as his dearest friends. Green, Gold, Silver, Blue, Leaf, Ruby and Sapphire. In which all of them visited quite often, except for Green. His friends all challenged him frequently, and almost every single time, they lost. Green had beat him twice before, but now he was so confined in his job as a gym leader that he no longer had time to make the trip up to see Red. He was the Red's only real challenge. It had been months since Red had last seen his best childhood friend.
Back in the bustling cities of Kanto, Green leaped with joy as the dead period had finally reached every single gym in the region. The dead period came every 4 years, and it meant a whole year's vacation away from the hard life of being a gym leader. No to mention, with pay. He opened his wallet and eyed the two gold tickets tucked neatly into the sleeve of leather. "I'm going to take Red off of that cold ass mountain if it's the last the thing I do." He whispered to the darkness of his now closed gym. I'm strong enough to beat him this time, he thought to himself.
With that, Green ran home to start getting ready for his ascent of Mt.Silver. He had bartering to do with Red.
It was early that morning, only 11am when Green locked the door to his house to begin his journey to Mt.Silver. "Pidgeot, are you ready to head up there?" Green looked up at his magnificent bird Pokémon and smoothed his feathers awaiting his say. Pidgeot screeched an affirmative caw, and Green hoisted his backpack of food, warm clothing for both he and Red, and a ton of sweets. He knew candy was an easy way to persuade Red, He had a sweet tooth like no other human being Green had ever seen in his life. With that, he hopped on to pidgeot and sped towards the mountain.


"There it is! See the peak Pidgeot? How about we give him a scare for good ol' times sake?" Green chuckled lightly at his devious idea. Pidgeot screeched loudly in approval as they sped up the mountain.
As they were nearing the peak that was Red's home, Green dished out his plan to his bird Pokémon, "When we are a little above the peak, I want you to use air cutter on the tip of the mountain. On the inside, the impact of your air blades hitting the rock will sound like rumbling, since it will not be strong enough to actually cause the rock to crumble. I want to have a grand entrance" I laughed to pidgeot as he cawed his warning for me to hang on tight.
His powerful wings began to glow and cut through the air at a blinding speed to send blades of razor sharp air colliding into the mountain. Beams of red shone from within the cave entrance as the returning of Pokémon took place, and a golden-toned pidgeot came soaring out from within the cave with a frazzled Red on it's back, a far distance away from Green. Red's Shiny Pidgeot immediately locked on to Green's Pideot, knowing it was the cause of the disturbance that rattled her and her master's home. She screamed her battle cry, and Green's loud voice then pierced the air separating the two trainers by a huge gap. "Long time no see man! I'm here to save you no worries!"
Red's heart skipped a beat at that voice. That cocky, arrogant voice could only belong to Green, His rival and best friend.
"Pidgeot don't worry, I think it's Green. Let's go see." He patted on his Pidgeot as she flew towards the voice, which was obscured by the soft powder snow falling from the clouds above.
"Green? What was that for!? I thought it was an earthquake or something you asshole!" Red scowled although his eyes sparkled as he looked at Green's emerald orbs. "Come inside, I'll be waiting." And with that, Red's pidgeot soared towards the cave at the speed of lightning.
Green was dumbfounded. He didn't think Red would look so different, he looked like a man. He was no longer slim-built, he was muscular and his face now had much angular features, his red eyes looked sharper and keener, hooded by long black lashes. Green always thought of himself to be the most handsome of the two, because obviously, he was taller and had great auburn-brown hair that wasn't confined under an old hat. But Red... He was handsome. Green's heart beat fast at his thoughts of, "What am I thinking?!" And with that questioning of himself, he nudged his Pidgeot to follow Red's as the blush on his cold cheeks faded away.

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