Ch three |Getting settled in | Filthyxpride

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Alexandra walked into the office and she saw the principal sitting in his chair, facing the windows. The principal turned around and looked at Alexandra, giving a smile.
"You're the new the student that transferred here right? Come, sit," the principal prompted, pointing at a chair that was placed in front of his messy desk.
Alexandra gave a small smile, and walked to the seat that the principal showed her to. She sat down, and watched the principal go into his cabinet , which was filled with many folders and Alexandra assumed he was searching for her transcript. She began to look around, and saw many plaques on the walls of all the achievements since 1998. The walls were painted baby blue, and the floor was carpet, which Alexandra disliked because she hates how carpets give off a strong scent. Alexandra looked at the desk, and saw a picture of him and somebody else. Under the picture frame, was the words Principal James and Dr. Bäumen.
Principal James must be his name and that must be somebody from the district. Hmm. . .
"Ah, here is your transcript," says Principal James, taking out a folder. He opened the folder up, and takes out a small paper, handing it over to Alexandra. "And here is your class schedule."
"Thank you," Alexandra replied, taking the slip out of his hand.
"Now Alexandra, before you go, I might ask you for a favor later on," Principal James said. "I am just asking if you are okay with it. It's not a huge favor."
"Mm. . ." Alexandra thought. It's probably not even that bad, I'll just do it so he could like me better. "Oh yeah, sure!"
"Great! Now go to your class. Your first period is World History. It's just down the hall, up the stairs, and the first door on the right when you open the two doors up there," Principal James prompted.
Alexandra gave a small nod, and walked out the door. She went down the hall slowly, running her hands along the lockers. Memories of her old school, ran through her mind. Alexandra missed how her old friends would always walk with her to first period, and how they would text each other in class, gossiping about others. And how it didn't matter if you were late to class, they wouldn't care at all. Alexandra began to feel a tear coming out her eye, but she held it back.
I'm in a real high school now. An elite Highschool. I better step my game up if I'm going to survive my last year. Especially if that Juliana girl is actually going to rip my throat out or get me back.
Alexandra began to head up the stairs. As soon as she got up the stairs, Alexandra began to hear small giggles. Confused, she still kept going up the stairs so she could get to her class quick. Alexandra opened the door and turned right, seeing the words " AP World History A7."
Looking down at the slip Principal James handed her, she verified that she was at the right place. Alexandra breathed out, a little nervous.
God I hope I don't make a fool of myself. . . First day of senior year. My first class . . .

Author's note
Okay I understand that the songs I choose don't match my story but it's still nice to listen to LOL.

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