Ch five | Tutoring arrangment | Filthyxpride

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Alexandra opened the door to the principal's office, and stepped in. She saw Principal James sitting at his chair, and saw the guy who saved her from being trampled on. Alexandra shot a weird look at him, and looked at Principal James.
"I was told to come here," Alexandra said.
"Yes, please take a seat," Principal James replied.
Alexandra took a chair and brought it closer to Principal James' desk, but farther away from the guy who saved her.
"Alexandra. The reason why you're here, is because you have the highest grades here at Mark Kepler High," Principal James started off. "And this student here. . ."
"Has the lowest?" asked Alexandra, finishing off his sentence.
"Unfortunately, yes," Principal James said, nodding. Principal James grabbed a folder, and moved it toward Alexandra. "These are his current progress report."
Alexandra took the folder and took at the progress report. Her eyes widened at the horrifying sight of the student's grades.
D+ in Calculus, C+ in Spanish. Oo at least he finished up history and science. . . A- in AP English. . . Oh my god he's going to die. He needs serious work with Calculus and Spanish especially.
"Remember I asked you for a favor Alexandra? Well this is it," Principal James began. He looked at the student, then back at Alexandra, taking off his glasses. "Well what I am asking you is, can you help him in these two classes he is failing?"
"Oh. . . I don't know. . ." Alexandra started off. I can't tutor him! It'll be so awkward oh my god. . . After what happened earlier.
"I'd normally kick students out for having low grades like this," Principal James interrupted. "You don't have to help him if you don't want to. If you don't, I will have to kick him out. But he might still have a chance to stay if he gets a great tutor like you to help him."
Alexandra hesitated for a moment. She felt overwhelmed on the decision she has to make. If Alexandra tutors him, who knows if he'll actually improve. If Alexandra doesn't tutor him, he'll be kicked out of the school and it'll stay on his permanent record. . .
"I'll do it then," Alexandra decided.
"Alright then, it's settled," Principal James nodded. "You guys will study in the library every Tuesdays and Thursdays. The weekends if possible."
"Okay then," Alexandra nodded.
"You guys have a calculus test coming up next Monday," Principal James said, standing up from his chair. "Why don't you both go to your local coffee shop or library to study this weekend? I better see a good score out of him."
"Oh don't worry," Alexandra nodded. "I'll definitely help him."
The kid looked at Alexandra and breathed out a bit. Alexandra was confused whether he was relieved she's been arranged to tutor him, or he's embarrassed that he's being tutored. Principal James got a late pass, and handed it to Alexandra and the student.
"Okay you both should get to class now," Principal James said, waving them out.
Alexandra and the guy got up and began to head out the door. As soon the two seniors got out the principal's office, Alexandra turned to the guy and began to talk.
"So. . . Tomorrow is Tuesday. Where's the library?" Alexandra asked.
"Right down there, to the right," the guy answered, beginning to walk through the hallway to his next period.
"Wait! What's your name?" Alexandra called after him.
The guy stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Bryan. Bryan Le. What about you?"
"Alexandra Latcher."
"Okay. Bye Alexandra Latcher."
Alexandra watched him walk away, and she gave out a breath.

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