Ch two | Meeting the Queens | filthyxpride

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Alexandra walked into the school doors where she was greeted by a huge rush of cold air to her face. In her view , Alexandra saw some light brown and light blue lockers. She saw a few students going into their lockers, talking to each other, playing with their phones, leaning against the lockers, or just messing around with each other. Alexandra took a deep breath and thought to herself.

I will survive this year. . . Now, i just need to find the office. . . Oh shoot where is the office?? Principals office. . .

Alexandra begins to walk forward, hoping if she just kept walking, she could find the principal's office. Suddenly, Alexandra accidentally tripped over a backpack that she did not notice that was lying on the floor. Giving out a small yelp, Alexandra felt her arms hit somebody on the back. As soon as Alexandra hit the ground, she looked forward and realized she has pushed a girl to the floor.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry are you okay??" Alexandra gasps, getting up to her feet to help the girl up.

" Get away from her bitch!" said a girl, pushing Alexandra away. "You purposely pushed her down!"
"I did not!" Alexandra said defensively. "It was just an accident."

" I am so going to get you back for this," hissed the girl who Alexandra pushed down. "Brittany help me up."

Alexandra watched Brittany help the girl up, and the girl shot glare at Alexandra.

"I will get you back for this," the girl hissed. "Brittany, Ashley, Hannah, Claudia, Let's Go NOW."

Alexandra stood there in silence, and then realized that people were watching. There were some murmurs, but everybody started to go there own way. Except, three girls walked toward Alexandra.

"Are you new?" asked one of the girls.

"Heh yeah. . ." Alexandra said.

"The girl you accidentally pushed down is Julianna Oli. One of the smartest and 'prettiest' people here at Mark Kepler High," said the second girl. "Also known as, The Queen Bitch."

"Her little minions are also smart like her," piped up the third.

"Oh I see. What are your names?" Alexandra asked.

"I'm Talia, and that's Felicity and that's Cecilia," Talia replies. "And since your new, I bet your going to the principals. We'll escort you there."

Alexandra followed Talia, Felicity, and Cecilia to the principals office, which wasn't far away at all. Alexandra felt relieved, knowing that she will have backup when trouble comes.

"The principal's office is here," Felicity says, pointing at a door which had the words Principals Office clearly on the door.


"Mm that's the bell," Cecelia says. "We're going to class now. See you! Oh wait what's your name again?"
"Bye Alexandra!" said the three girls altogether, walking away.
"Sit with us at lunch! We'll be in the cafeteria!" Talia said turning back, then turning away.
Alexandra nodded and then breathed. She then opened the door to the principal's office and stepped in.

Kind of the rushed chapter sOrryyy  & I understand the songs I chose actually don't match the story but oh well it's still a good song LOL
~ meme

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