Chapter 2

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I shook Lanny awake. "What." Lanny groaned. "We're landing soon!" I said pointing to the screen that displayed where the plane is and how long it should take to get to our destination. We were so close. Only twenty minutes away. Lanny opened her window and looked outside. Nothing. Just the white of the clouds.

Lanny grinned like the Cheshire cat. "This'll be a great trip. I just know it!" Lanny said. "Yeah, I hope it'll be good." I replied, smiling.

The flight attendant announced that we are descending. Looking around at everyone I could tell that they were all excited as Lanny and I. I have been waiting for a trip forever. I don't get to go in them much. My dad's always to caught up in work.

The plane started descending. It landed bumpily. We all shuffled off the plane and into the airport to get our bags. Lanny and I stood in front of the things that carries your bags around and around waiting for you to pick it up. Lanny grabbed her bag and waited beside me so I could get mine. My suitcase approached slowly. I grabbed it then we ran after the teacher who was counting us to make sure he had everyone.

"Okay everyone! Once you have your bags meet me outside the main entrance!" Mr. Richards yelled pointing to the entrance. Lanny and I caught up with Chase and his friend Mark. Mark was okay I guess.

We shuffled through the people and made our way to the main entrance. Lanny and I talked while we waited for everyone else to get here. Mr. Richards did another count then told us to follow him. We followed him to a helicopter. Two helicopters to take our class. "Okay split into two groups and get into the helicopters." Mr. R instructed.

Lanny and I were put into the same helicopter. It ascended into the sky and we were off to the place we would be staying. Mr. Richards told us that the place we would be going to had a lighthouse. That'll be cool, right?


Hey Strangers!

Sorry for the short chapter. The next one will be longer and better. Well I hope it's gonna be better. Y'all should go and check out one of my other stories. Ha sorry for self promotion.

Thank you -M

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