Chapter 5

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"Ok everyone, just calm down! We will just have to wait till the fire stops then see what's left and stay in that." Mr. Richards explained. "What!? No! I want to go home. I knew I shouldn't have come on this bloody trip with you blasted people!" The new kid, Amelia said. She was from London so she had an accent.

"I am sorry to tell you but we are booked for a helicopter to come and pick us up at the end of the week so we will just have to tough it out." Mr. R said. "So your telling me we don't have any phones? Not even a satellite one?" A tall boy with blonde hair asked. "No, it burned in the fire." Mr. Richards explained patiently. "Some kind of teacher you are, bringing your students to a place like this, to stay in an old rundown shack!" Amelia scoffed.

Then all Hell broke lose. People were yelling and accusing each other on who started the fire while Mr. Richards tried to maintain the peace. But honestly he obviously didn't know what he was doing, bringing us here to stay in an old building.

"Ok stop!" A smaller boy with glasses an light brown curly hair shouted. Everyone stopped yelling and accusing each other to turn and glare at him. "What?" Someone from behind me asked. "I started the fire, it was me," He started. "And why did you do that?" The same voice behind me asked, and from the tone in his voice he was getting angry. This most likely won't end up well. "I left a candle burning downstairs in the kitchen. It must've caught a rag of fire and spread from there." The boy explained.

The guy from behind me started yelling profanities at the smaller boy. People were trying to calm him down but he didn't simmer down until a good five minutes. Lan stood beside me, her eyes wide.

It was still raining so we were all drenched. But it was starting to stop raining. I looked over at the charred house and saw that the fire was gone. I jogged over the remains of the shelter and saw that only the front half where the kitchen was, was burnt. The rest was fine but it was still smoky and there was ash everywhere.

The rest of the class started approaching the mess. "We have a lot of cleaning up to do so lets get to it!" Mr. R yelled. "Here Macey, you left your bag." Lanny said, handing me my bag. I was so grateful to her for salvaging it from the fire. And saving me too. I owe her my life, and my clothes life. "Thank you so much Lanny, what would I do without you." I said trying to smile at her. "Don't mention it." She replied.

About three hours later with all of us including Mr. Richards, got the shelter all cleaned up. We would have to stay on one half of the shelter now. I went over to the stairs and saw the were burned quarter the way up but the rest was just charred. I jumped up on the step that wasn't burned badly andclimbed up from there. I saw the cots were still fine. "Hey Lan, the cots are still good!" I yelled a her. "Your going to have to go two to a cot!" Mr. R yelled up at me.

It was after dinner now. We had dinner really late because we had to find a can tat wasn't burned and then build a fire. Then we had to find a pot. It sucked. Lanny and I were done changing and were squeezed onto the cot. We managed to find a way to fit us both on but it was not comfortable.

It would have to do but not for as long as I thought.


Hey Strangers,

I'm sorry for the slow updates, I am gonna try to update more often. I hope your enjoying the story so far, if you have any feedback feel free to comment. Thanks!


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