Chapter 12

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Amelia and Brent helped Lanny up. I kept watch for the other one. She's mine, I'll kill her.

They hauled Lanny onto her feet. Lanny woke up a few minutes ago but she was still dizzy. No one told her yet. She doesn't even know because her eyes are closed. I looked at her for a few seconds then went back to scanning the area.

"How far do you think she ran?" Brent asked no one in particular. "Probably about a kilometre or two past where we were hiding." I responded. "Let's go then, we can't wait all bloody day." Amelia said. "She's right," I looked at the sun and saw it was getting closer to the ground, "the sun will set soon."

Lanny slowly opened her eyes. Since her head was tilted down, the first thing she saw was her sister. Laying dead on the ground. "L-Lauren?" Lanny stuttered. Tears fell down her cheeks when reality dawned on her. She sobbed into Brent's shoulder. A pain of jealousy shot through me. I shouldn't be jealous, she needs a shoulder to cry on.

I walked up to her and hugged her. She hugged me as much as she could. "Shh, it's gonna be alright, it's gonna be alright." I repeated, softly. Her sobbing quieted. She sniffled and wiped the tears off her face. She straightened her posture and walked ahead of us. We all stared at her like idiots.

"Coming?" Lanny asked, a hint of annoyance making its way into her voice. She was mad. I understand why, her sister just died! I know that if we got out of here, her parents and her would grieve together. I was the first to walk towards her. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we continued walking. Amelia and Brent trailed after us, keeping their distance. Which was probably a good idea. We were both pretty vulnerable at that time so we could've snapped at them.

Lanny put her head on my shoulder and I supported some of her weight. "Guys, it's the machete girl." Amelia said. "I got her." I responded, my eyes narrowing.

I walked ahead and met the girl half way. I put a hand on my knife ready to throw it or stab her. "Well hello there, you made me run quite a ways." She spat at me distastfully. "It's not my fault your stupid enough to chase me." I said. She growled.

She swung her machete. "Let's get this over with." She grumbled. My friends stood about a metre or two away from us. She swiped her machete by my arm, purposely missing. I side stepped and went to stab her shoulder. She moved forward quickly so I was only able to cut her shoulder blade a little bit. She turned to face me and smiled. Our eyes met and I glared at her.

"Just so you know the name of the person who will kill you, I'm Korina, or Kori." She gave me a fake smile. I knew it was to throw me off. I was right because she went to cut my head off. I ducked and kicked her legs out from under her. She grunted when she hit the ground. "I'm Macey," I kicked her in the ribs, "Mace for short." I smiled wickedly and kicked her again. I went to kick her in the shoulder where I cut her but she caught my foot and pulled me down.

While I fell she stood up. I tried to get up but she stepped on the hand that was holding the knife. She picked it out of my now hurting hand. It was trusted in an awkward position with her foot on it. Korina stepped down harder until I whimpered because the pain became to much. Then she stomped on it. My hand make a sickening crunching sounds. I cried out. She broke my hand.

"Now you don't have a weapon, what are you going to do now, Macey?" Korina taunted me, holding my knife above my head. She took her foot off of my hand and I got up. I winced when I put pressure on my hand to get up. Brent helped me up then he retreated to the side where Amelia and Lanny were standing.

"Bloody hell this is intense." Amelia muttered. I grabbed my other throwing knife from the holster. Korina noticed this. She raised her machete and went in to cut my head. I ducked out of the way. Since she went in with so much force, when she didn't hit me she stumbled. I punched her in the head which caused her to step forward more. I then hit her with the handle of my knife in the shoulder. She quickly ran forward a few steps then turned towards me. I poised my knife, ready to throw it at her head.

She glared at me. "Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt you Korina?" I asked, mockingly. This made her even more mad, which was good. I know your probably like 'why the hell would that be good, she could be more dangerous and unpredictable!'. Which isn't completely true. She is still unpredictable but her brain is clouded with anger. It wasn't clear so she couldn't think straight.

Korina ran towards me, her teeth gritted. She slashed at me but I jumped out of the way. Then she tried to stab me in the face and I ducked. I got up immediately when she retreated her arm. The look on her face said that she was furious. "Just give up, bitch, you're never gonna win." She sneered. I smirked at her. "I'll die trying."

Korina went to cut my neck but I grabbed her arm and stopped her. Then she pushed harder. I was so afraid in that moment of the blade making contact with my neck. I'm not gonna lie about that. Adrenaline surged through me. I kicked her in the shin. She grunted and stepped back. I stabbed her in the shoulder where I stabbed her twice before. Korina fell because I stabbed her with a lot of force. I came down with her. She broke my fall which was lucky for me but not so much for her.

I took the knife out of her shoulder. She turned into her back, gasping. I adjusted myself so I had my knees pressed onto her arms, keeping them down. I saw fear flash over her eyes. But that didn't process in my brain.

I just raised the knife and brought it down, the blade entering her neck. Blood came out of the wound as well as her mouth. I stood up and wiped my hands on my pants. My friends looked at me with wide eyes.

"Bloody hell."

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