(T w o) You're kinda hot

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(Your POV)
Don't get me wrong I am very aware of how hot and handsome Harry is, which by the way are two different things, not many people are blessed with both characteristics. Some people are hot and others are handsome but Harry is defiantly both. Along with his cute smile and womaniser charm Harry is pretty hard not to fall in love with but no matter how many times my friends and fellow pupils of Holmes Chapel  Comprehensive school would ask me I always replied "no I don't like like Harry that way!" Which I genuinely did believe until we started college and our relationship dynamic changed. We were not long into our first year of college when Harry got his first girlfriend. I had never had a boyfriend before, not because people didn't find me attractive or anything, I had a few offers in fact but I just never really had time what with the move and GCSE's. I'm the kind of person that takes relationships of any kind seriously, and all that high school crap irritates me, but when Harry got a girlfriend I felt a strong combination of jealousy and betrayal. This was bizarre I know. Harry was never my boyfriend he didn't owe me anything. I was not only jealous of the fact he had a girlfriend but also the fact that he got a girlfriend before I got a boyfriend (which is mean and selfish, I know). I mean is it was the other way round and I had got a boyfriend it would have been cute if he'd of been a bit protective, jealous even, of my boyfriend but the fact I was jealous of his girlfriend I thought was just sad and pathetic and so I didn't express to anyone how I felt and tried my best to conceal my feelings. I still didn't like Harry in that way or anything I was just sad that my best friend now had other priorities. Not only this but as friends when we hung out we would quite often watch films and when the other got bored they would fall asleep on the others shoulder or lap or we'd sleep over at each other's house and share a bed ,and it was natural, nothing was said of it, but once Harry got his girlfriend everything changed and things became awkward. Mine and Harry's friendship was not one of arguing, I hated arguing, with anyone. I couldn't stand the thought of confrontation and tried to avoid it al all costs, but the change in our friendship certainly created tension and even made us drift slightly. Harry's relationship with his girlfriend did not last long however and although I never found out why they broke things off our relationship soon enough shifted back to how it was and just like that everything was back to normal.

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