(F o u r) I'll wipe my shirt sleeve under your eye

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(Your POV)
Hearing the doorbell I rushed to the door, ever excited to be visited by my best friend. Opening the door I immediately spotted Harry's signature brown over night bag and I was thrilled that he had taken me up on my offer on the phone, to stay the night. He stepped in and somewhat dropped the over night bag kicking it to the side a little before leaning over and planting a kiss on my forehead and pulling me into a hug. "How was barbadose?" He snickered somewhat examining my dark tan. "It was amazing" I replied smiling, to a stranger I must have looked as though I'd slept with a  cloths hanger in my mouth my smile was so broad, but I couldn't help it I was just so thrilled to see Harry after a full week away without him. Harry had already passed by me through the porch and I could just about make out him in the kitchen making small talk with my dad. I shut the door and Harry reappeared from the kitchen, "come on," he told me grabbing my hand and rather forcefully pulling me up the stairs and into my room. "I have news! he imformed me" he seemed as though he was trying to contain his excitement although I could see from his face that he was about to burst if he diddnt tell me immediately, so I teased him slightly by asking how a long week of school was without me. He simply brushed past the question though, " remember how I told you I was thinking of auditioning for X factor?" He asked panting slightly, "yeah??" I replied somewhat confused. "Well I did....     And I got through!!!!" He was practically shouting now overcome by joy. I diddnt know what to say so I leant in to hug him but he caught me in his arms on my way and pulled my head up so I was looking deeply into his, my chin resting on his long, strong index finger as it tilted my head up so I had no choice but to gaze directly into his eyes. And with that his leant in and placed his cherry pink plump lips onto mine, sucking slightly, yet very gently on my top lip. Asking for entrance and very slowly opened my lips allowing his tongue access. With that our mouths just seemed to know what to do as we danced a little dance to no music, we eventually pulled away for air. Seconds later before either of us had chance to say anything Harry's phone rang from down stairs in his bag. He got up and strode downstairs, almost authoritivly. I followed feeling obliged and hung off the banister at the bottom of the stairs whilst I listened to Hardy talk on the phone to someone, although I diddnt know go I knew it was important from his tone. By the time he hung up I was sprawled out on the bottom step from  waiting- half asleep now it had gotten so late; he was on the phone so long. From the lack of voices I suddenly became alert giving Harry a piercing look through the now dark hallway. "That was the X factor people." Harry spoke very matter of fact but with a hint of guilt in his tone, "they want... I have to go back tomorro YN" Harry spoke his voice breaking slightly. " I... I think I have to," he paused trying to summon the words to say next, "I have to go away for a while." He finally said his voice breathy, filling the consuming silence. I again didn't know what to say, but this time I wasn't thrilled or overjoyed I felt cheated. I'd just got back from a week away and now Harry had to leave. I nodded trying to show some understanding even though honestly I was slightly mad at Harry for having to leave even though I knew it wasn't his fault. "Iv got to go early tomorrow so I'm going to have to go back to mine" he said cowardly. It wasn't often Harry ever spoke like this, it threw me slightly, leaving me litterally speechless. Instead of talking I merely helped him gather his things even though he only really had his night bag which had pretty much stayed untouched in the corner, I just needed something to occupy myself so I didn't cry and make Harry feel bad. Once ready to leave we stood on the doorstep for a moment looking at each other and taking in each other's scents, this was the first time we had ever been anything more than friends. After all the time I had assured my friends, Harry's friends even myself we were just friends I was just now for the first time questioning it. And all before Harry had to leave. I guess timing was never my thing. "I really enjoyed that kiss." Harry broke the science and his cheeky smirk had returned to his face, his dimples on full display I couldn't help but beam at him, before looking down at the floor just as our eyes met again. Never had I truly  recognised the depth and beauty as to what his eyes really where. Staring down at the bricks of the porch Harry grabbed my hands and rested his forehead on the top of my head leaving me just with the sensation of his breath. "I love you YN, I'll be back soon, promise. And then all tell you all about my amazing adventure." His indeering jokiness forced me to look back to at him and uncontrollable grin taking over my face as tears started to pool from my eyes, "Harry I love you" He took his shirt sleeve and wiped it under my eyes, collecting my tears. And that was it.... unbeknown to the both of us that was the last time I would properly see my best friend for six whole years as his fame was about to explode taking him from just a lad from Holmes Chapel to an A list celebrity.

Harry I love youWhere stories live. Discover now