(T e n, P a r t 1) Its gotta be you

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(Your POV)
I could feel emotion brewing from within me, spilling through my paws. I was sure it must be visible on my face by now but I don't know. For as much as I am overcome with emotions I am also powerless, unable to move a finger since I felt nothing, which by the way is just an awful entry feeling, for all I could make out was a growing pit of butterfly's in the core of my stomach. I had never really felt like this before, and in all honesty I was was surprised Mark could have these effects on me. I mean I knew I was never gonna marry the guy, but standing there watching him kiss this other girl.... I couldn't take it anymore I was gonna throw up. I decided not to bother with bathroom as I knew Megan would be there and I just couldn't face anyone right now, so instead I sprinted outside. Grabbing onto the railing of the small club car park, I endeavoured to regain controll over my breathing. But the from the icy cold winters night air to the pounding from in my head I was unable to. I stood there helpless. Waiting to my breathing to return to normal. I crouched down and put my head between my legs in order to stop myself gagging. After what seemed like forever, but was actually probebly only five minutes, I managed to haul myself up; using the railing as a guid. I fumbled arounld in my bag for my phone expecting some texts or maybe even s missed call form Meg, but nothing. My spinning head could just about make out the time 3:15 am. The font on my phone was all fuzzy and made my head hurt more so I hurriedly turned it of and slipped it back into my little clutch bag. I decided I would walk home, I was far too drunk to drive so I left my car here, and I couldn't face having to look at my phone again to call a taxi. I set off into the cold dark night, luckily for me my house was only about a 20 minute walk away, so I began through the dimly lit streets. On my way back my mind began to wonder, dwelling over the fact Harry had left again. You'd have though I would be crying over Mark but my drunken brain wouldn't leave Harry alone. I thought back to our first proper night together like I dreamt about so often and I started to cry again. Not a desperate cry like before but a voulnerable hurt cry that could have made anyone around me cry too. The streets were silent as was my pitiful weeps, all could be heard was the constant clicking of my stilleto heals hitting the pavement. I was trying to wrap my head about all my thoughts and feelings on Harry which was rather hard considering I was drunk. I mean I love him, he's my best friend but I know there's still unresolved anger towards him leaving. But then I just feel guilty; I mean I know it's not his fault... This caused my to cry even more my tears hitting the pavement more rapidly. Suddenly I realised what I had to do, and my drunk brain was rather pleased with itself and I questioned myself why I had decided to do this sooner. I would go and visit Harry, it made perfect sence; he's at home (which may seem pretty obvious but this is the first time in six years I can just spontaneously decide to visit Harry in the middle of the night), he isn't drunk so he can look after me and his house is closer then mine so if I keep up this pace I'll be there in two minutes instead of ten. I pulled my phone out my bag to check the time: 3:30 it read. Wow it's taken me ages to get from the club to here, then again I was swaying conciderably and I kept having to stop to regain my balance. I continued walking now with a purpose, my steps were a little more easy and I managed to regain some of my balance. I reached Harry's street descending down it, it was a very long street but luckily for me he only like five houses down, or was it six, I couldn't really remember in this state. Seeing Harry's house made me want to skip (which was not a good idea considering my six inch stilleto heels, I'm suprised I diddnt fall and break my neck, or my ankle at least) and a sence of happiness over came me a smile corresing my face. I bounded up to Harry's front door like an over excited dog. Harry's Had returned home to his parents house who where currently still on holiday. Harry's return was very abrupt and sudden and as much as Anne wanted to be back for Harry's return the holiday was all booked so they decided to go anyway. I began to knock on the door, I decided it would be funny if I knocked to the melody of "it's gotta be you" by one direction of corse. I don't know why it just came into my head, I sang out the song in my head and when I got the the long you in the first chorus I knocked very loud and very fast, I did this every time I sand the long "you" from the chorus. I knew there was a doorbell somewhere but I couldn't remember where from my drunken stupidity and my squinting eyes were to blurred to look for it, but I was quite enjoying my little knocking game.

(Authors note)
The rest of this scene will be continued in the next chapter, I just don't want to make my chapters too long as there is still a lot to happen in this scene- so there will be no time just and it will still be in your point of view! Thank you all for reading, please comment and vote and share with friends, you opinions mean so much so please let me know what you think! I hope you are all enjoying it so far and are not too confused with all the point of view changes and time jumps. Love you all lots and please keep reading I am very excited to write this next chapter as it will mostly be dialogue between you and Harry!!! 💖💖💖💖

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