Chapter 3: Leon's POV

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Copyrights 2014 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 3

Leon’s POV

“Oh sweetheart I’ve been so worried” mum voice sounded through the door. My jaw clenched at the panic I felt in her voice. Kara’s emotions swept through me, the dread that I felt in the pit of my stomach was from her. I knew why she felt like that though, as strong as our mother may be she loves to baby us.

I huffed a sigh as I lent against the hallway wall and ran a hand through my thick dark hair. 

It was my fault Kara was in this situation. She had gone into the woods to get away from me. Our parents were worried sick about her because of me, and to make matters worse Kara had locked herself in her room because of me.

Never had our fighting excelled to her baring her fangs at me. Our bond was that strong that I could feel her anger radiating off her in waves. Something that had never happened before. That much anger that had coursed out of her made me fearful and nauseous.

My sister was never a violent girl. Hell, until today she had never bared her fangs. My sweet little sister didn’t have a violent tendency of bone in her body. At least thats what I thought until I hair seen how far I had pushed her today.

“Give her time son”

I jumped at the sound of dad’s voice. Looking up I found him standing in front of Kara’s door. His eyes trained on me, his posture straight and almost rigid. Lately everything about my father screamed royal. From his actions to his tone of voice, it was just proof that times where changing and soon the vampires of Romania would have a new King. 

Looking at the royal air of my father I realised I was a spitting image and not just looks wise. His protectiveness, strong-headed, silent unless he felt the need to speak and express himself. Everything that I saw standing before was traits that I possessed myself.

“You didn’t see the fight” I muttered leaning further against the wall.

He chuckled under his breath, a smirk playing at his lips as he stood beside me taking on the same stance as my own.

“Theres something you still haven’t realised about your sister son”

I look up at him in confusion. 

Of course, to some extent, I understood what he ment. Kara a spitting image of mum but they didn’t have the same personality. They were to completely different people. My mother was head-strong, fearless even. She fought her own battles, Kara on the other hand wasn’t like that. 

Yes, Kara was opinionated, she could be head-strong but she was fragile. She let me take care of her when she had bad dreams. She was my baby sister and no one was going to be a better protector for her than me. The proof was in the way she sought out comfort through me when we where little and this morning.

“You may see your sister now as a baby, something fragile that you need to watch over and protect, but you’re missing the bigger picture”

“How so?” I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

In complete honesty, I didn’t agree with my father’s opinion. I wasn’t missing anything. Kara was my baby sister and she would always need me to protect her, there was nothing more to it.

“You know Selena as your mother, I know her as my mate. There’s a difference son. You’re mother wasn’t always the heedless, powerful women you see today. That women you see today is the results of a lot of struggles. You’re mother and I have seen and been through things I hope you will never have to. We’ve been through to much to protect you kids. But your sister. Your sister is just like your mother.” Dad’s voice was thick, his accent leaking heavily into his speech reminding me just how much I had forgotten where he truly came from. 

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