Chapter 1: Kara/Leon's POV

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Copyrights 2013 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 1:

Kara’s POV


“No” I mumbled as I turned back over and buried my head in my pillow.

“Kara” hissed a voice.

I groaned and rolled over, I kept my eyes closed as I frowned to myself, there was an eerie feeling in the room, but I didn’t care I just wanted to sleep.

“Kara” the voice hissed again.

The room dropped serval degrees in temperature and I shivered in response as I reached for my blanket, with my eyes closed, and pulled it up to my neck curling into a ball to retain body heat.

“Kara” the voice hissed as a gust of wind wrapped around me.

My body shook trying to grasp what heat I could and my eyes snapped open, my room was darker than it usually was at night, and the eerie feeling started to seep deeper in my bones making my body shake. Fear struck me as something fell before my eyes and my blood pulsed harder through my veins.

There was a thud that made me jump but I brushed it off as Milly running around the hallway in the mild of the night and bumping into a wall like she usually did. 

“Kara” the wind hissed again pushing my hair behind my shoulders.

I jumped again as a loud slam of the window bounced against the window frame.

“Dammit” I grumbled to myself as I shoved my blanket away from me and slung my legs over so my feet touch the cold hardwood floor. Goosebumps spread all over my body as I stood up and hugged myself, my nightie clinging to me as I walked over to my open window. 

The frost on the window bit against the skin on my fingertips as I gripped the latch and pulled it shut.

“Kara!” came a low hiss as something crashed on the ground.

I screamed in fear and locked the window shut but didn’t turn around. I could sense something was there I just knew by the sudden source of heat right behind me and the heavy breathing. My heart pounded in my ears and my blood rushed through my body chilling with fear that made my spine curl. My breathing grew rugged and heavy, my chest constricting in fear making it harder to breathe.

“Kara” the voice hissed. My body shivered the voice so close and it felt like a sharp cold knife being dug into my back.

“Kara!” the voice growled and I felt my body being yanked back a blood curdling scream filled with fear emanating my lips.

“Kara!” came a warm deep voice.

“No!” I screamed out as I thrashed around and squeezing my eyes shut trying to block out the nightmares.

“Kara” the voice was more gentle this time and large warm arms wrapped around me. My body shook as the fear slowly started to fade but I didn’t open my eyes, I just breathed heavily taking in the familiar musky scent of my twin. Leon.

“Shh, you’re okay” he cooed as I gasped erratically trying to calm my pulse down. 

Automatically my arms curled around his neck and I buried my face into his shoulder as tears slowly leaked down my cheeks and my body racked with silent sobs.

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