Everybody Breaks A Glass

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I watched her skate down the ice. So quick and so smooth, like a beautiful bird. She took the puck and shot it passed the goalie. Then it was Marshy's turn. As he skated down the ice, she was comming back. He looked down at the puck for a moment. BOOM! They both colide into eachother. She stated laughing so hard. After a few moments they both got up.

"What the hell Marshy?" She screamed as she went to the bench. She took off her helmet as she sat down and examened her helmet. Looking at the spoke B that was coustom on the helmet. Her thum grased the number thirteen, the number she has been since she started playing the game when she was 7 years old.

"Sorry Danie, I didn't see you comming down the ice. If I did, I would have moved." Marshand said as he got flustered when as he tryed to come up with an answer.

Next thing I knew, Coach Julian was yelling in my ear, bringing my focus from her to pratice. I glided down the ice and I shot the puck at Tuukka, he cought it with his glove and I skated to the bench. "You okay, Danie?" She looked up at me with glowing eyes and smile. "Yeah, I am fine. Thanks Segs." She says and she flips her hair and puts her helmet back on. She steps back on the ice and go to talk to Looch. 

God, that beautiful blond hair. I think to myself as she flips her hair. No segs! You can not go for her. Yes, you live with her and you see her everyday, but you made a pact to treat her like a sister when she came into the NHL. Pull your self together man!

"Segs....SEGS....TYLER!" Danielle screams in my ear. "What?" I say as I jump, pulling me from my thoughts. "Practice is over." She says and points around. "Race you to the locker room" I say and I start to bolt for the board door leading to the locker room. Just as quick I see her sprint to the door. I beat her too the doors and I laugh. She stops and she pants cause shes out of breath. She laughs as she walks to the locker room. She sits in her stall and takes her helmet off. "Good practice boys. Now can we just play like that" She says and giggles alittle.

God I love her giggle I thought to myself. Just as quick as she is in the locker room she is undressed and in some PINK yoga pant things and a tank top. She put her hair up in a bun and grabed her necklace her mom got her when she was drafted. She put it around her neck and kissed it. I hear my name called and I look over to Danie. "I will see you at home, I am gonna stay and work out for alittle before I go." She said and grabed her Iphone. "Why don't I stay too?" I saya and she laughs, "Only if you can keep up with me pretty boy." She walks out saying bye to everyone and she heads for the team gym. 

I get undressed as fast as I can and I put some shorts and a t-shirt on. "I thought you were gonna get drinks with us, Segs" Ferrence said. "How about later tonight, Andy?" I said and I pick up my phone. "Bring Danie with you, she needs to loosen up a bit with the training" Looch said. I roll my eyes and smile. "See ya later guys"

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