You like Drake?

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I walk into the gym and no one is there. Just how I like it, I say to myself. I walk through the Black and Gold gym and I put my IPhone into some speakers and I blast Drake. I walk over to the mats and I sit down to strech my legs. I look over and I see Tyler smileing at me.

"What" I say and I continue to strech. "You like drake?" He asks and laughs alittle. I stand up and smile. "Why yes, I do. I didn't know that was a crime." I say and I walk over to the weights and grab 50lbs dumbells and Tyler just looks at me and laughs. "What?" I say and I lift my arms. "You are weak" He says and goes over and grabs 100lb dumbells. He looks over to me and gives me a cocky grin. I role my eyes and I start to do lunges.

After about a half hour of weights, I put them back and go over to the treadmill and I start to run. I close my eyes and start to remember a path that I ran everyday when I lived at home. All of a sudden, I role my anckle and I fall off. Tyler hears my screach and comes running over. "What happened?" he asked. "I roled my anckle" I say timidly and I put pressure on it. Tyler comes down to my level, he takes my hands and looks at my anckle. "Lets get you some ice" he says and he picks me up bridal style. He puts me down on a workout bench and goes to grab ice.

Wow, he has really pretty eyes. I think to myself. What! No! Danielle, what are you thinking?! I can't get involved with him. Hes my roommate, my team mate. But it feels so right, his arms around me felt so nice.

He comes back a few moments later with some ice. "Here" he says and puts the ice on my anckle. "Thanks." I smile at him and I get lost in his hazle eyes. He smiles back, but I look down at my anckle. "I think I am done for today" I say and I try to get up. He helps me up and we go down to the locker room, where everyone has left. "Do you want to go get a drink with me and some of the guys?" That sort of cought me off gaurd. "Sure, why not" I say and I smile at him. "But I think a shower would be good. Lets go home." 

We walk into the appartment that we share with Marshy. "Marshy!!!" she screams into the silent living room. "He must not be home. I am going to shower, what time are we meeting the guys?" She asked while she goes into the hallway. "Sometime around 7" I say and I walk into my room. I hear the shower turn on and I laugh alittle. 

"Come on Danie! We got to go!!" I yell from the den. "I am comming!" She says and some comes out of her rooms with a tight gold dress and some brown color high heals. She finsihed putting her earings in and grabs her purse. "Ready" She says with a smile. Her makeup is done in a smokey eye style and some light pink lips. (Stupid sister) "You look great" He says and grabs his keys. 

When the get to the bar, they see Andrew Ference, Brad Marshand, Shawn Thornton, and Milan Lucic. "Hey guys" she says with a perky voice and a smile. "You clean up nice Danie" Marshand says as he winks at her. I get this jealous feeling but I push it aside. She looks at the bartender and she orders Vodka on the rocks. He knows who she is so he doesnt ask for I.D. I order the same thing she does. This is going to be a fun night. I think to myself.

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