300 Violin Orchestra.

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I had decided before my date with tyler, I would work out. I went over to the Garden, since I lived right accross the street. The gaurd, Marty, let me in. I had gone over to my locker and since I had my workout clothes on my already, I would just rap up my ankles and my wrists. I then grabed my iPhone and went up to the gym we had. I had gone to the little area we had for streching and I streched out a bit. Since no one was here I decided I would dance. I started danceing when I was 8 but I had switched over to hockey when I was 10. I still dance but thats because its good to keep my ankles strong. I took my shoes off, leaving me with my socks on. I walked over to the music dockt and I put 300 Violin Orchestra on repete. I got into posistion and I just started to dance when the music started. The song played twice before I saw something in the mirror. I ignored it and kept danceing. I was in for the shock of my life. 

"What are you doing." I heard and I stoped dead in my tracks. I was facing the mirror when I saw Kasey, one of the bitchiest ice girls they have. "I was dancing. What are you doing?" I ask back when I trun and face her. She laughs alittle and walks over to the mirror to fix her hair. "I came to get something from my locker and I heard the music. I came up here cause I thought it was Tyler woking out. I wanted to discuss our little date we had last night." She sad in an evil tone. I just stood there trying to understand what just happened. "I'm sorry, I know you have your date with him tonight. Tell him I said that last night was the best night of my life." She walks out of the room leaving me there. 

I walked over to the dockt and I took my phone out. I called Milan and asked if I could stay the night. He said it was alright but he wanted to know why. I told him I would tell him when  I got to his house. I hung up the phone after our conversation and I went to shower. I got out and I changed. I went back to my appartment, thank god no one was there. I grabed my keys and  I drove over to Looches house. Brittney opened the door and let me in. I ran over to Milan and he let me cry in his arms.

"I am gonna kill that son of a bitch." He said and him, Timmy, French fries, and Tuuks stood up. "So are we." I managed a smile through my tear standed face. It was nearing 7 o'clock and I was worried cause I know Tyler would be wondering where I am. "There is no need for that you guys." I said to calm them down. Timmy grabed his phone from his pocket and called someone. "Yeah, hey man. Team meeting at Looches house. Get over here now." He said angerly and hung up his phone. I stood up and I walked over to the bathroom as the guys talked. "Hey, you okay." Britney asked as I washed my face. She handed me a towle and I patted my face dry. "I'm fine." I say and smile at her. She gives me a hug. "Look, You are like the little sister I never had. I am gonna protect you." She says while hugging me. "Thanks Britt." I say hugging her back. We hear the doorbell ring and she gose over to answer it. "Uhm, Danie. It's for you." She yells as I sit with the rest of the guys......

I am really dissatisfied with this chapter but I guess it will work for now...

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