Wait, stay with me.

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Once we got back to the appartment, Danielle was fuming mad. She rushed into her room without saying anything to me or Brad. I sat down on the couch next to him after taking my shoes and coat off. "What's up with her?" He asks as her door slams shut. "Oh, nothing" I say with a smug look on my face. :I don't think anyone should know what happened tonight, about the kiss I mean. "I am going to bed." I get up and walk into my room. "Night man" Marshy says from the couch.

After about an hour I hear a loud bang. I look around and I notice it came from Danie's room. I get up quickly and I open her door. I see her sitting on the floor, a broken vase on her floor, and her hand all bloody. "Hey, what happened?" I ask taking her hands to exam them. "Nothing" she says pulling her hands away. I see the tear stains on her cheeks. "Was it what Z said?" I say as I wipe her tears away. "I am already criticized for being a women in the NHL. Why do I need to be called a puck slut by my own team mate." she crys. "He didn't know it was you, Danie. And you are not a puck slut, far from it." I say and I pick her up and bring her to the bathroom to wash her hands. I put her down on the sink and grab a wash cloth. I pick the glass out of her hands and I take the wash cloth and run it under warm water. I clean her hands as she watches my face.

"Why are you doing this?" I say as I watch his face. "Because we need these hands" he says and chuckles alittle. I giggle and smile. "No, really, why did you kiss me" He looks at my face and then grabs the first aid kit. "Because I like you." he says quietly as he raps my hands. "What?" I say and I look into his eyes. "I like you Danielle. And not as a friend or a team mate." I am taken by suprise. I like him too but I didn't want to tell him cause he was my team mate. "I like you too." I say and smile at him. His face lights up. "Really?" I giggle alittle. "Yes. I really do Tyler." Next thing I know his lips are on mine. I kiss back and smile abit. After a few moment he pulls away. "We need to go to bed, we have a game tomorrow" He says. "Okay. Oh, shit, I forgot, my sister is comming in from Washington DC tomorrow. I have to pick her up from South Station." I say as we walk to my room. "Do you think she can stay here? I ment to talk to you and marshy about it." I look as him and he nods. "Yeah, its fine." He walks to my door after I sit on my bed. "Wait, stay with me?" I ask. He smiles. "Okay."

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