Birthday Time!!!

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(Mario walked joyfully down a paved path to Peach's castle, which is a gargantuan pristine white bricked castle, with a pink roof and a massive stained glass window of Princess Peach on the wall. Mario knocked on the big pink door happily, the door opened and at the door Princess Peach had a massive grin on her face.)

Peach: (Gleefully) Oh Mario!

Mario: Peach! Happy Birthday, Darling!

(They hug each other gently)

Peach: It's lovely to see you and please come in!

(Mario walks through the hallway, seeing majestic paintings of Peach's family hanging on the wall.)

Toad: Mario! I'm so pleased to see you!|

Mario: (Bows down) How are you, my King!

(They had shaken each other's hands firmly and then they all muttered to each other and walk into the large Dining Room, and there were pretty plants dotted around the room, the room was full of people to celebrate the Princess's Birthday.)

Mario: Wow there are lots of people here!

Toad: Yes! My daughter is a very popular girl!

(Peach smiles smugly)

Mario: Yes, indeed she is!

Peach: Wait, I better go chat to Daisy. I haven't chatted to her yet? See you later!

(She walked up to Daisy and hugged her tightly in the distance.)

Luigi: (Waves arms wildly) Mario over here!

(Mario turned and looked into the distance and saw Luigi smiling with Yoshi, Sammy, and Tommy)

Mario: (Rejoiced) Luigi!

(They ran up to each other and hugged one another and he also hugs the others)

Yoshi: How are you doing Mario!

Mario: Good thanks! What did you guys get for her!

Tommy: (Grinning) I got her a book about her family history, to really pump her knowledge up.

(The others sarcastically smiled at him)

Sammy: (Grinning) That's cool little brother! I got her a DVD on The Home Olympics against the Sonic Team!

(The others sarcastically smiled at him)

Mario: Well... I can't wait for her to see my present, it's a big surprise!

(Toad called for silence with a proud face and tapped his wine glass to get attention and the room went silent)

Toad: Thank you! We are gathered here today to witness the celebration of my Daughter's birthday! She is very generous and kind and we wish her all the best in the future!

(Peach looked very rosy in her cheeks and smiled at Toad)

Toad: To Peach!

Everyone: To Peach!

(They all drank a sip of the wine!)

Toad: Right! Let's get this Party Started!

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