Part 11 (Katherine)

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Dear Diary,

Today was a pretty good day. We filmed a cover and posted it. And guess what?!?!? Cute guy #13 (the one Amy has been crushing on for FOREVER) asked her out today!! AHHHH I'M SO EXCITED FOR HER! I hope he's a good kid- otherwise I'm gonna have to pull a Lisa. Hahahaha.

Feeling content,
Kath :)


Dear Diary,

Today was Amy's first date with him. She said it was the best date she's ever been on. When do you think I'm gonna find my guy? Christina has a boyfriend, Lisa is in a pretty serious relationship, Amy just went on a date, and guys are practically lining up at our door to go out with Lauren and Dani.

Why do guys seem to like all my sister's, but not me? I mean, I get that they're VERY VERY attractive, but I have a good heart. Right? Right?

Feeling confused,


Dear Diary,

Today was an awful day. Why do I keep going on Twitter, even when I know that Twitter has all the trolls? I found a hate page today. It was really upsetting. Why do people have so many bad things to say about me?

They say that I'm an awful singer, that I'm ugly, fat, useless. I think I'm not gonna go on social media for a while. All these negative people are really starting to affect my mentality. What happened to the fun loving, joyful, radiant Kath?

Feeling bland,


Dear Diary,
I'll tell you what happened to that Kath. People started using her. They thought she was innocent and oblivious.


Dear Diary,

Today was the first "good" day I've had in a while. Amy, Lauren and I went to go see a movie. It was a scary movie, so I'm sleeping in Lauren's bed tonight. NOT BECAUSE I'M SCARED. She's the one who's scared. Hahaha jkjk, we're both so scared.

Kath :)


Dear Diary,

Sorry I haven't written in you for a while. I've been at church a lot, helping with charity work. I've also found a boy, but I'll tell you later ;) Hahahaha



Dear Diary,

He's so perfect. His smile, his laugh, his words. Who? This boy I met at church....his name is Warren. UGH even his name is perfect. Amy thinks I'm whipped- which is probably true. And a plus- HE LIKES POETRY.

He's so cute.

Feeling in love,


Dear Diary,

Warren and I hung out today. It was amazing. Too excited to give you the details.



Dear Diary,

I cried today. Too many hate comments, not enough nice ones. And all my sister's went out without me today. EVEN AMY. I can't believe it. I mean, Dani, Lisa, and Lauren go out without the rest of us a lot, but Amy doesn't go anywhere without me.

I can't believe they excluded me.

Feeling sad,


Dear Diary,

Sorry I've been away lately. I've spent the last few weeks alone in my room. My sister's have been really mean to me lately, especially during band meetings. I don't know why. Did I do something? But the worst is Amy- she's basically ignoring me. It's worse than saying mean things to me.



Dear Diary,

Warren has a girlfriend.

Feeling dead inside,


Dear Diary,

I don't know how much of this I can take. Everyone seems to hate me. My friends, my family, the fans. What did I do? I promise, I'll try my best to fix it.



Dear Diary,

I don't know how much more of this I can take.



Dear Diary,

I'm done.



Dear Diary,

Goodbye. Thanks for being my only friend.



Dear Diary,

What have we done?



Ughh it makes me sad to write Katherine being sad :( On a happy note- I have SOOOO many one-shots in the making, so look out for that ;)

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